How call c function using ordinal

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How call c function using ordinal

Dmytryk, Igor
How call c function using ordinal

When using DLL & C Connect I would like to declare a C - function that is called by its Ordinal number instead of name?

Where and when can I set the Ordinal?



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RE: How call c function using ordinal

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)
How call c function using ordinal

I had to do that for one library here, this should get you started. This is all on class side of your ExternalInterface subclass,



 self initializeOrdinals.



 self ordinalsData readStream linesDo: [:line | self initializeOrdinalFromLine: line]


initializeOrdinalFromLine: string

 | tokens func def ordinal |

 string isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].

 tokens := string tokensBasedOn: Character space.

 def := (tokens at: 2) tokensBasedOn: $@.

 def size ~= 2 ifTrue: [^nil].

 func := def first.

 func := func copyFrom: (func first = $_ ifTrue: [2] ifFalse: [1]) to: func size.

 ordinal := (tokens at: 4) asNumber.

 self initializeFunction: func withOrdinal: ordinal


initializeFunction: func withOrdinal: ordinal

 ((self instanceBehavior methodDictionary values

            select: [:ea | ea isKindOf: ExternalMethod])

                        detect: [:ea | (ea selector tokensBasedOn: $:) first asString = func asString]

                        ifNone: [self error: 'function not defined - ' , func])

                        ifNotNil: [:obj | obj ordinal: ordinal]


where ordinalsData was a string in form of,



 ^'// _Func_Name1@12; Index 1;            Information not available

   // _Func_Name2@12; Index 2;             Information not available’




Obviously a bit of hack, but worked just fine nonetheless. You can simplify it quite a bit if you control how your ordinal data file is constructed,


Hope this helps,


DeepCove Labs Ltd.
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From: Dmytryk, Igor [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: How call c function using ordinal


When using DLL & C Connect I would like to declare a C - function that is called by its Ordinal number instead of name?

Where and when can I set the Ordinal?

