How can I add things to path from session tracking or session itself?

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How can I add things to path from session tracking or session itself?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys,

I am trying to code my own WAHandlerTrackingStrategy subclass. I am trying to implement #addKey:toUrl: in a way that it does some #addToPath: to the URL. Imagine like if I would like to store the session ID in  this way  xxx/s/asdasdklahsfa rather than xxx/?_s=asdasdklahsfa
However, nothing is displayed in browser's URL bar. 

I also tried to add that in my WASession subclass (that is, implement #updateUrl: and add those paths). Yet, not luck.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: How can I add things to path from session tracking or session itself?

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am trying to code my own WAHandlerTrackingStrategy subclass. I am trying to implement #addKey:toUrl: in a way that it does some #addToPath: to the URL. Imagine like if I would like to store the session ID in  this way  xxx/s/asdasdklahsfa rather than xxx/?_s=asdasdklahsfa
However, nothing is displayed in browser's URL bar. 

I also tried to add that in my WASession subclass (that is, implement #updateUrl: and add those paths). Yet, not luck.

I tried everything and still no luck. What I want is to track seaside session ID as part of the path, NOT a field/parameter of the url. 
Some parts seem to work, but others don't. For example it seems callbacks URL ignore what I add to the path etc. Quite complicated.

Any ideas how can I do it? 


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