How can I change "When a script should run" from a script?

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How can I change "When a script should run" from a script?

Steve Thomas
I am working on some Fraction artifact tools and want to let the user specify whether the "parts" change color on mouseEnter or mouseLeave.


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Re: How can I change "When a script should run" from a script?

Bert Freudenberg
On 09.06.2011, at 19:46, Steve Thomas wrote:

> I am working on some Fraction artifact tools and want to let the user specify whether the "parts" change color on mouseEnter or mouseLeave.

        self changeScript: #scriptName toStatus: #mouseEnter

- Bert -

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Re: How can I change "When a script should run" from a script?

Derek O'Connell-3
In reply to this post by Steve Thomas
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