How can I invoke the callback of an anchor using jQuery?

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How can I invoke the callback of an anchor using jQuery?

Jan van de Sandt

If I have an anchor with a callback:

html anchor
   callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
   with: 'DoIt'.

Now I want to use jQuery to update only part of the page instead of a full page reload:

html anchor
   callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
   onChange: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s |
      s << (s jQuery: 'mydiv')
         html: [ :r | self renderMyDivOn: r ] ]) ;
   with: 'DoIt'.

How do I make sure that the callback is performed before the render method is executed? With form elements you can use serializeThis but I guess that doesn't work for anchor elements.


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Re: How can I invoke the callback of an anchor using jQuery?

Johan Brichau-2

A callback will always trigger a full page rendering. The callback mechanism works with a url in the anchor and therefore the browser expects a complete html page as a response.
Instead, try to do something along the lines of:

html anchor
        url: 'javascript:{}';
        onClick: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s |
                        self doSomething;
      s << (s jQuery: 'mydiv')
          html: [ :r | self renderMyDivOn: r ] ]) ;
        with: 'doit'.

Basically: include the action inside the ajax callback, right before invoking the rendering.
If you want to separate the blocks, you will need to use a callback: [...]; onComplete:[...] construction, I think.
Overriding of the url has proven necessary to me to avoid default browser behavior.

On 14 Mar 2011, at 11:49, Jan van de Sandt wrote:

> Hello,
> If I have an anchor with a callback:
> html anchor
>    callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
>    with: 'DoIt'.
> Now I want to use jQuery to update only part of the page instead of a full page reload:
> html anchor
>    callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
>    onChange: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s |
>       s << (s jQuery: 'mydiv')
>          html: [ :r | self renderMyDivOn: r ] ]) ;
>    with: 'DoIt'.
> How do I make sure that the callback is performed before the render method is executed? With form elements you can use serializeThis but I guess that doesn't work for anchor elements.
> Jan
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Re: How can I invoke the callback of an anchor using jQuery?

Johan Brichau wrote:
> url: 'javascript:{}';
> Overriding of the url has proven necessary to me to avoid default browser behavior.

And what is defualt browser behavior? I just do "url: '#';".

Milan Mimica
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Re: How can I invoke the callback of an anchor using jQuery?

Jan van de Sandt
In reply to this post by Johan Brichau-2

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it out,

If I remember correctly the browser will not "follow" the url if the onClick code returns false. In this case you could leave the callback in place. The anchor would work in a browser without javascript and would use Ajax if javascript was available.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]> wrote:

A callback will always trigger a full page rendering. The callback mechanism works with a url in the anchor and therefore the browser expects a complete html page as a response.
Instead, try to do something along the lines of:

html anchor
       url: 'javascript:{}';
       onClick: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s |
                       self doSomething;
                        s << (s jQuery: 'mydiv')
                                       html: [ :r | self renderMyDivOn: r ] ]) ;
       with: 'doit'.

Basically: include the action inside the ajax callback, right before invoking the rendering.
If you want to separate the blocks, you will need to use a callback: [...]; onComplete:[...] construction, I think.
Overriding of the url has proven necessary to me to avoid default browser behavior.


On 14 Mar 2011, at 11:49, Jan van de Sandt wrote:

> Hello,
> If I have an anchor with a callback:
> html anchor
>    callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
>    with: 'DoIt'.
> Now I want to use jQuery to update only part of the page instead of a full page reload:
> html anchor
>    callback: [ self doSomething ] ;
>    onChange: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :s |
>       s << (s jQuery: 'mydiv')
>          html: [ :r | self renderMyDivOn: r ] ]) ;
>    with: 'DoIt'.
> How do I make sure that the callback is performed before the render method is executed? With form elements you can use serializeThis but I guess that doesn't work for anchor elements.
> Jan
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> seaside mailing list
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