How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

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How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

Hi guys

I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP socket?


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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Depending on the protocol you just connect to it and see if that works ;-)

With a short timeout, of course.

I would just use the matching client in Pharo.

> On 04 Dec 2015, at 16:07, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi guys
> I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP socket?
> Stef

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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

Robert Withers
In reply to this post by stepharo
 > netstat -a | grep LISTEN | grep <port>

that should get you there.


On 12/04/2015 10:07 AM, stepharo wrote:
> Hi guys
> I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP
> socket?
> Stef

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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

Blondeau Vincent
In reply to this post by stepharo

You should try
netstat -uta
in a shell console.
And see if there is a localhost port opened on what you expect.

I have not tested on my laptop but it should work.


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de
> stepharo
> Envoyé : vendredi 4 décembre 2015 16:07
> À : Any question about pharo is welcome
> Objet : [Pharo-users] How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP
> socket
> Hi guys
> I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP socket?
> Stef

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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

In reply to this post by stepharo
> Am 04.12.2015 um 16:07 schrieb stepharo <[hidden email]>:
> Hi guys
> I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP socket?

Of course it is :) Default port is 27017

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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

In reply to this post by stepharo
Et voilà ;-)

Avec MongoTalk :

server := Mongo default.
[ server open ] on: ConnectionTimedOut do: [ :e | self error: 'local
mongo server is not running' ].
server isOpen

Avec des sockets uniquement :

[ stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'localhost' port:
27017 ]
     on: ConnectionTimedOut
     do: [ :e | self error: 'local mongo server is not running' ].


Le 4/12/15 16:07, stepharo a écrit :
> Hi guys
> I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP
> socket?
> Stef

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Re: How can we verify that a daemon is listening on a TCP socket

Robert Withers
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have netstat, ifconfig, route, traceroute, top and other system/networking utilities in Squeak/Pharo. I can see a use for manipulating the routing tables from inside our wonderful world.

bonne soirée,

On 12/05/2015 11:54 AM, stepharo wrote:
Et voilà ;-)

Avec MongoTalk :

server := Mongo default.
[ server open ] on: ConnectionTimedOut do: [ :e | self error: 'local mongo server is not running' ].
server isOpen

Avec des sockets uniquement :

[ stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'localhost' port: 27017 ]
    on: ConnectionTimedOut
    do: [ :e | self error: 'local mongo server is not running' ].


Le 4/12/15 16:07, stepharo a écrit :
Hi guys

I would like to know if a daemon (mongo) is listening on a given TCP socket?
