How do I enter Cyrillic letters in Pharo 1.1 / Seaside3.0rc images

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How do I enter Cyrillic letters in Pharo 1.1 / Seaside3.0rc images

Using the PBE 1.0 image, entering and displaying cyrillic characters
works fine. However in Pharo 1.1 or the seaside image, all I get are
question marks. I copied over the DejaVu fonts folder, selected
"Install bitmap DejaVu fonts", but I'm still getting ???.  What should
I do so I can have them working ?

Best regards,
Stanislav Paskalev

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Re: How do I enter Cyrillic letters in Pharo 1.1 / Seaside3.0rc images

Andrey Larionov
In Pharo1.1 by default installed Bitmap fonts, which dosen't contains
unicode glyphs. In preference browser you can select TrueType fonts as
you like, which will correctly diaplays cyrillic glyphs.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 00:17, Stanislav Paskalev <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Using the PBE 1.0 image, entering and displaying cyrillic characters
> works fine. However in Pharo 1.1 or the seaside image, all I get are
> question marks. I copied over the DejaVu fonts folder, selected
> "Install bitmap DejaVu fonts", but I'm still getting ???.  What should
> I do so I can have them working ?
> Best regards,
> Stanislav Paskalev
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