How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

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How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

Andy Burnett

Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a redirection. For example

Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas 

Returns the json value  (currently 13)

I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My Pharo code is:

Do I have to set any other options?

Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so it might be some interaction between the two.

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Re: How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Andy,

Your URL actually does return '13' for me with Zinc following the redirect:

So the question is why doesn't it work for you ?

Which version of Pharo and/or Zinc are you using ?
Are you behind a proxy ?


On 16 Aug 2014, at 16:55, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:


Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a redirection. For example


Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas 

curl -L

Returns the json value  (currently 13)

I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My Pharo code is:

(ZnClient new) get: ''.

Do I have to set any other options?

Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so it might be some interaction between the two.


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Re: How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

Andy Burnett
In reply to this post by Andy Burnett
Hi Sven,
That sounds encouraging.

I am running Pharo 3.0, but I don't know how to get the release number of Zinc. Is it stored in the class comments, or can I use monticello to get the info?

I am not behind a proxy 

By the way, using the ZnClient returns about 53K of text. The first chunk of which is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta content="width=300, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
  <meta name="description" content="Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.">

Hi Andy,

Your URL actually does return '13' for me with Zinc following the redirect:

So the question is why doesn't it work for you ?

Which version of Pharo and/or Zinc are you using ?
Are you behind a proxy ?


On 16 Aug 2014, at 16:55, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a redirection. For example
> Curl
> Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas
> curl -L
> Returns the json value  (currently 13)
> I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My Pharo code is:
> (ZnClient new) get: ''.
> Do I have to set any other options?
> Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so it might be some interaction between the two.
> Cheers
> Andy
> ?

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Re: How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

On 16 Aug 2014, at 17:50, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ᐧ
> Hi Sven,
> That sounds encouraging.
> I am running Pharo 3.0, but I don't know how to get the release number of Zinc. Is it stored in the class comments, or can I use monticello to get the info?

Yes, in the Monticello Browser, you can read the version of the package 'Zinc-HTTP', the latest is 409. But I can't remember that anything related to redirects changed recently.

You could try using the latest 4.0 image which got a Zn update a couple of days ago.

Or you could update Zinc in your image

Gofer it
 url: '';
 configurationOf: #ZincHTTPComponents;
 loadVersion: #bleedingEdge.

You will probably have to proceed some warnings.

If you do

ZnClient new
  get: ''.

you should get something like

2014-08-16 18:11:01 011 Connection Established 132ms
2014-08-16 18:11:01 012 Request Written a ZnRequest(GET /macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec) 2ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 013 Response Read a ZnResponse(302 Moved Temporarily text/html;charset=UTF-8 514B) 2572ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 014 GET /macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec 302 514B 2574ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 015 Following Redirect
2014-08-16 18:11:04 016 Connection Closed
2014-08-16 18:11:04 017 Connection Established 90ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 018 Request Written a ZnRequest(GET /macros/echo?lib=Mw_SnjVBc4Rat2UsxNpQia7HBrRXsAwLh&user_content_key=wW90OT_koAjByHBHsu_efyuqsjemk2EhRsDQ8ar4t38C7fhvlpKmScbwFVkQlrENN-VnLAZzQNvX9KM7W5sFwmKVmKVPvjtcm5_BxDlH2jW0nuo2oDemN9CCS2h10ox_1xSncGQajx_ryfhECjZEnKs0K41-LhqTVAkaTBaMruySWI1Ofcu1_BDpJ2OW96vspInsasdj0Rj2Z1GsF_xH8URUiluvVaUM) 0ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 019 Response Read a ZnResponse(200 OK application/json;charset=utf-8 2B) 452ms
2014-08-16 18:11:04 020 GET /macros/echo?lib=Mw_SnjVBc4Rat2UsxNpQia7HBrRXsAwLh&user_content_key=wW90OT_koAjByHBHsu_efyuqsjemk2EhRsDQ8ar4t38C7fhvlpKmScbwFVkQlrENN-VnLAZzQNvX9KM7W5sFwmKVmKVPvjtcm5_BxDlH2jW0nuo2oDemN9CCS2h10ox_1xSncGQajx_ryfhECjZEnKs0K41-LhqTVAkaTBaMruySWI1Ofcu1_BDpJ2OW96vspInsasdj0Rj2Z1GsF_xH8URUiluvVaUM 200 2B 452ms

In any case, I need to see your output

> I am not behind a proxy
> By the way, using the ZnClient returns about 53K of text. The first chunk of which is:
> '
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html lang="en">
>   <head>
>   <meta charset="utf-8">
>   <meta content="width=300, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
>   <meta name="description" content="Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage – free.">
> Hi Andy,
> Your URL actually does return '13' for me with Zinc following the redirect:
> So the question is why doesn't it work for you ?
> Which version of Pharo and/or Zinc are you using ?
> Are you behind a proxy ?
> Sven
> On 16 Aug 2014, at 16:55, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a redirection. For example
> >
> > Curl
> >
> > Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas
> >
> > curl -L
> >
> > Returns the json value  (currently 13)
> >
> > I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My Pharo code is:
> >
> > (ZnClient new) get: ''.
> >
> > Do I have to set any other options?
> >
> > Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so it might be some interaction between the two.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Andy
> > ?
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> URL: <>
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Re: How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

Andy Burnett
In reply to this post by Andy Burnett
And then, as if by magic, the problem vanished!

I think the problem must have been something I was doing wrong at the Google end.  Everything now works.

Thanks Sven