Hi Sergi,
what I do is pass it whatever I want, but set the displayblock. This block then returns a n-element collection, one element for each column. For example, in a two column list I return a collection with 2 elements.
On May 25, 2014, at 8:24 PM, Sergi Reyner <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I´ve been spending some time trying to figure out what to pass, and I can´t figure out what to pass to #items:. I´ve tried to pass strings, arrays of strings, arrays of arrays of strings, and the most I´ve got so far is Character(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #widthToDisplayInList: :S
> Some help or some pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Sergi
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