How does the presentation example bootstrap itself - What's it's main()

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How does the presentation example bootstrap itself - What's it's main()


Right  up front I'll confess to being a novice Smalltalker and Amber user but I've been looking at some of the examples, notably the presentation example.

I changed the exists index.html to the following, so that I might understand how the presentation example bootstraps itself.

<title>JTalk - Presentation</title>
<script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"> 
files: ['Presentation.js'],
prefix: 'examples/presentation/js',

<!-- MOVED OUT OF HARMS WAY -  //ready: function() {smalltalk.Browser._openOn_(smalltalk.FOSDEM2012Presentation)}  -->

I had presumed that loadAmber:ready was the key to the bootstrap but running the above means I lose the smalltalk-browser but the presentation example still works, which confuses me.

Would anyone kindly point me in the right direction esp. if it's a case of RTFM.
