How many Dolphin users?

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How many Dolphin users?

Diego Gomez Deck
Hi guys,

I'm a multi-dialect Smalltalker and I have the feeling that the Dolphin
community is getting bigger every day.

Anyone has an idea of the size of the community?


Diego Gomez Deck

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Re: How many Dolphin users?

"Diego Gomez Deck" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I'm a multi-dialect Smalltalker and I have the feeling that the Dolphin
> community is getting bigger every day.
> Anyone has an idea of the size of the community?

I do not have, but if this newsgroup can be used as any kind of indication,
it seems it has significantly grown in the last year.


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Re: How many Dolphin users?

pablo digonzelli
In reply to this post by Diego Gomez Deck
diego, nos conocemos de smalltlaking via mail.
Te puedo asegurar que la comunidad de dolphin es grande y crece dia a dia.
Ademas el nivel de conocimientos de los integrantes del newsgroup y su
amabilidad para ayudar y debatir es muy buena. Pienso que se encamina a ser
un muy fuerte jugador en el campo de los ambientes de desarrollo.
Lastima que solo es para windoze.

"Diego Gomez Deck" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje
news:[hidden email]...

> Hi guys,
> I'm a multi-dialect Smalltalker and I have the feeling that the Dolphin
> community is getting bigger every day.
> Anyone has an idea of the size of the community?
> Cheers,
> Diego Gomez Deck