How to change nodialog.exe's description?

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How to change nodialog.exe's description?

This question may have been asked before, but I haven't found it.

If you have a Packaged VAST application running on Windows and it gets displayed as a group in the task bar (because there are more than, say, 6 Windows open), the group has the name "VisualAge Smalltalk Runtime" (or similare, I don't have acces to a machine right now) instead of the exe's file name.

I guess what is displayed as the group's name is the description text of the .exe, which you can see when you open the settings of the .exe file in the Windows Explorer.

So how can I change that text?

BTW: The VAST documentation covers how to exchange the .exe's icon and splash screen, and recommends reshacker as a tool to do it. This problem here is not mentioned, however. So I'd ask Instantiations to add this piece of info to the product documentation as well.



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Re: How to change nodialog.exe's description?

Marten Feldtmann-2
This is compiled into the executable nodialog.exe - use a resource editor and change the binary ...


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