How to create a package via code correctly ?

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How to create a package via code correctly ?

How can I create a package correctly via code ?

I tried stuff like

PackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'Keks4'

SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4'

but the package does not appear in the browser.


Marten Feldtmann

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Re: How to create a package via code correctly ?

Ben Coman
[hidden email] wrote:

> How can I create a package correctly via code ?
> I tried stuff like
> PackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'Keks4'
> SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4'
> but the package does not appear in the browser.
> Marten

I don't have a direct answer for you, since I don't know - but I can
tell you how to discover the answer yourself (or at least how I would go
about it myself)

1. Right-click in the package pane, and then bring up the Halos[1] on
the menu-item-of-interest e.g. "Add package..."

2. From the Debug (spanner) halo menu choose "Inspect morph". Scroll
down until you see something that looks like a method being called.  Go
to that method and put a "self halt" at the top.

3. Invoke the menu-item-of-interest, then in the debugger step through
what it does, and copy that for your own purpose.

Please report back if you succeed with this, or otherwise feel free to
ask for more assistance.  I just believe it helps you more to teach you
how to fish :) rather than just give you one someone else caught.

cheers -ben


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Re: How to create a package via code correctly ?

(RPackage named: 'ABC') register.


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackage: (RPackage named: 'ABC’).


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: ‘ABC’.

the 3 ways work (just tested).
If you are not succeeding probably there is another, previous problem (like de-sync caused by some failed operation made before)…


> On 04 Oct 2014, at 08:30, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> How can I create a package correctly via code ?
>> I tried stuff like
>> PackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'Keks4'
>> SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4'
>> but the package does not appear in the browser.
>> Marten
> I don't have a direct answer for you, since I don't know - but I can tell you how to discover the answer yourself (or at least how I would go about it myself)
> 1. Right-click in the package pane, and then bring up the Halos[1] on the menu-item-of-interest e.g. "Add package..."
> 2. From the Debug (spanner) halo menu choose "Inspect morph". Scroll down until you see something that looks like a method being called.  Go to that method and put a "self halt" at the top.
> 3. Invoke the menu-item-of-interest, then in the debugger step through what it does, and copy that for your own purpose.
> Please report back if you succeed with this, or otherwise feel free to ask for more assistance.  I just believe it helps you more to teach you how to fish :) rather than just give you one someone else caught.
> cheers -ben
> [1]

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Re: How to create a package via code correctly ?

Nicolai Hess
2014-10-04 8:45 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
(RPackage named: 'ABC') register.


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackage: (RPackage named: 'ABC’).


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: ‘ABC’.

the 3 ways work (just tested).
If you are not succeeding probably there is another, previous problem (like de-sync caused by some failed operation made before)…


Does this include the SystemOrganization part?
(SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4')
Or is this not neccessary anymore?


> On 04 Oct 2014, at 08:30, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> How can I create a package correctly via code ?
>> I tried stuff like
>> PackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'Keks4'
>> SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4'
>> but the package does not appear in the browser.
>> Marten
> I don't have a direct answer for you, since I don't know - but I can tell you how to discover the answer yourself (or at least how I would go about it myself)
> 1. Right-click in the package pane, and then bring up the Halos[1] on the menu-item-of-interest e.g. "Add package..."
> 2. From the Debug (spanner) halo menu choose "Inspect morph". Scroll down until you see something that looks like a method being called.  Go to that method and put a "self halt" at the top.
> 3. Invoke the menu-item-of-interest, then in the debugger step through what it does, and copy that for your own purpose.
> Please report back if you succeed with this, or otherwise feel free to ask for more assistance.  I just believe it helps you more to teach you how to fish :) rather than just give you one someone else caught.
> cheers -ben
> [1]

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Re: How to create a package via code correctly ?


On 05 Oct 2014, at 00:04, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:

2014-10-04 8:45 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
(RPackage named: 'ABC') register.


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackage: (RPackage named: 'ABC’).


RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: ‘ABC’.

the 3 ways work (just tested).
If you are not succeeding probably there is another, previous problem (like de-sync caused by some failed operation made before)…


Does this include the SystemOrganization part?
(SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4')
Or is this not neccessary anymore?

that includes everything. 
even MC package registration (since now there is a one-to-one relation between them)



> On 04 Oct 2014, at 08:30, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> How can I create a package correctly via code ?
>> I tried stuff like
>> PackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'Keks4'
>> SystemOrganization addCategory: 'Keks4'
>> but the package does not appear in the browser.
>> Marten
> I don't have a direct answer for you, since I don't know - but I can tell you how to discover the answer yourself (or at least how I would go about it myself)
> 1. Right-click in the package pane, and then bring up the Halos[1] on the menu-item-of-interest e.g. "Add package..."
> 2. From the Debug (spanner) halo menu choose "Inspect morph". Scroll down until you see something that looks like a method being called.  Go to that method and put a "self halt" at the top.
> 3. Invoke the menu-item-of-interest, then in the debugger step through what it does, and copy that for your own purpose.
> Please report back if you succeed with this, or otherwise feel free to ask for more assistance.  I just believe it helps you more to teach you how to fish :) rather than just give you one someone else caught.
> cheers -ben
> [1]