Hello forum.
I have to upgrade an already existing custom list view (subclass: View).
Until now each list item included only simple visual components, like text labels and images. But no interactive components, like action buttons, etc.
Now my task is to display a working action button in a list item, if it is selected.
I don't like to reinvent the list component, so I've tried to display a ActionButtonView into the GraphicsContext. But all my approach failed.
Until now, my best and also simplest try was:
buttonView := myBuilder policy actionButtonClass new.
buttonView label: anImage.
buttonView displayOn: aGraphicsContext at: aPoint.
The button is displayed in the list. But I am not able to make it working. I cannot assign the desired action. Also the fly-by-help does not work.
Assigning the proper controller seem not to help.
buttonView controller: buttonView defaultController.
Can someone give me an advice please? And in general: Is this a good or a bad approach?
And how to get the default "actionButtonClass" without using the builder? I've tried to get the information by the DefaultLookPolicy. Without success.
Thank you for your answers.
Best regards,
Tom Grünewald
Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
Softwareentwicklung/Software Development
T o m G r ü n e w a l d
73446 Oberkochen, Germany
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Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
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Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Dieter Kurz
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