How to embed more than a document?

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How to embed more than a document?

Dennis Schetinin
It seems to be basics of Pier, but I still don't understand them. If I have my own PRCase child with custom viewComponentClass, can I embed (using ++) it in another page, rendered the same way as at it's original position?

For instance, I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders (it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?

Dennis Schetinin

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: How to embed more than a document?

Damien Cassou-3
Hi Dennis,

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Dennis Schetinin<[hidden email]> wrote:
> It seems to be basics of Pier, but I still don't understand them. If I have
> my own PRCase child with custom viewComponentClass, can I embed (using ++)
> it in another page, rendered the same way as at it's original position?
> For instance, I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders
> (it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main
> page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?

I'm not sure but I would try:

1) Implement a method #accept: in Questionnaire

Questionnaire>>accept: aVisitor
  aVisitor visitQuestionnaire: self

2) Implement PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire:

PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
  self visitCase: aQuestionnaire

3) Implement PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire:

PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
  "do whatever you want with the 'html' instance variable and
'aQuestionnaire' questionnaire"
Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: How to embed more than a document?

Dennis Schetinin

> For instance, I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders
> (it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main
> page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?

I'm not sure but I would try:

1) Implement a method #accept: in Questionnaire

Questionnaire>>accept: aVisitor
 aVisitor visitQuestionnaire: self

2) Implement PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire:

PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
 self visitCase: aQuestionnaire

3) Implement PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire:

PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
 "do whatever you want with the 'html' instance variable and
'aQuestionnaire' questionnaire"

Nice instructions, thank you. I'll try it this way

Dennis Schetinin

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: How to embed more than a document?

Dennis Schetinin
In reply to this post by Damien Cassou-3

> For instance, I have a Questionnaire and QuestionnaireView, which renders
> (it's children) Polls using Vote command. How can I show this at the main
> page of my site? Or how to do this some other (proper) way?

I'm not sure but I would try:

1) Implement a method #accept: in Questionnaire

Questionnaire>>accept: aVisitor
 aVisitor visitQuestionnaire: self

2) Implement PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire:

PRVisitor>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
 self visitCase: aQuestionnaire

3) Implement PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire:

PREmbeddedRender>>visitQuestionnaire: aQuestionnaire
 "do whatever you want with the 'html' instance variable and
'aQuestionnaire' questionnaire"

Wouldn't it be a hack to implement it this way?

    PREmbeddedRenderer >> visitQuestionnaire: aStructure
        (aStructure viewComponentClass on: self context)
            structure: aStructure;
            renderContentOn: html

Specifically I'm not sure about #structure: setter for QuestionnaireView... I had to do the following there:

    QuestionnaireView >>

        renderContentOn: html
          self components do: [:each |
            html render: each]
          | pollStructure pollCommand pollComponent |
          ^ self polls
            collect: [:each |
              pollStructure := self context structure: each command: POVoteCommand new.
              pollCommand := pollStructure command.
              pollComponent := pollCommand description asComponentOn: pollCommand.

          ^ self structure childrenDecoration children
          ^ structure ifNil: [self context structure]

It works so far but I doubt it's a correct away... Though I can't explain/understand why...

Dennis Schetinin

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: How to embed more than a document?

Dennis Schetinin

Wouldn't it be a hack to implement it this way?

    PREmbeddedRenderer >> visitQuestionnaire: aStructure
        (aStructure viewComponentClass on: self context)
            structure: aStructure;
            renderContentOn: html

Specifically I'm not sure about #structure: setter for QuestionnaireView... I had to do the following there:

    QuestionnaireView >>

        renderContentOn: html
          self components do: [:each |
            html render: each]
          | pollStructure pollCommand pollComponent |
          ^ self polls
            collect: [:each |
              pollStructure := self context structure: each command: POVoteCommand new.
              pollCommand := pollStructure command.
              pollComponent := pollCommand description asComponentOn: pollCommand.

          ^ self structure childrenDecoration children
          ^ structure ifNil: [self context structure]

It works so far but I doubt it's a correct away... Though I can't explain/understand why...

One (not the only?) problem is "WAComponentsNotFoundError" while posting the form. It's because #children method of QuestionnaireView is not invoked at all... Any suggestions? Shouldn't I create a special PRWidget for this case? Or go some other way?

Dennis Schetinin

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...