How to get a list of package versions?

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How to get a list of package versions?

Hi there,

I would like to compare two Pharo deployed images. Specifically, get a list/tree of the installed packages with their version number each one, so I can compare if there were updates between both deployments.

I started by doing

IceRepository registry collect: #workingCopy

Then discovered the #commitish, though don't know is there another way?


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Re: [Lse-pharo4pharo] How to get a list of package versions?

Hi Stef,

Didn't knew this project existed:
Glad to read someone is taking care of it.
In the meantime I will explore about file system workaround with diff-like tools.
Thank you for your reply.



El jue., 12 mar. 2020 a las 4:25, Stéphane Ducasse (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
Hi hernan 

I understand exactly your question :)
Because we need to have metadata inside the package. 
I hope that the renewed effort around pakbot will address this point. 

On 12 Mar 2020, at 04:22, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi there,

I would like to compare two Pharo deployed images. Specifically, get a list/tree of the installed packages with their version number each one, so I can compare if there were updates between both deployments.

I started by doing

IceRepository registry collect: #workingCopy

Then discovered the #commitish, though don't know is there another way?


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