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How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

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How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

I'm porting a little Morphic geometry program from Morphic to a Spec 2
application using GTK.

I need to draw a shape in an SpAthensPresenter but to draw it I need to know
the current dimensions (extent) of the presenter so it can still work OK
even when the  window is resized.

The old Morphic version also used An Athens canvas but I had no problem then
as a morph has an extent method that provides this information. But now that
I can't use a morph I find that the extent method of an SpPresenter always
seems to answer nil.

Is that right? How d you get the current size of a presenter? Is it a bug?

I'm using a very recent Pharo 9 image and headless VM on Linux.

Build information:
Pharo-9.0.0+build.1399.sha.9ae8329dedfbad7915b7b2cdc4accc7ce8109ce0 (64 Bit)

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021
5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04 +0200

Pharo 9.0.0 built on Apr 30 2021 10:22:47 Compiler: 5.4.0 20160609
VMMaker versionString 5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021

Any help woudl be appreciated.

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano

short answer:  you can't (and you shouldn't) :)
long answer: conceptually, a presenter does not has an extent because it is not a component by itself, is just a set of other presenters arranged into a layout.

However,  that does not means you can't know the extent where your athens component will be drawn!

Basically, you cannot know the presenter size (or position), but you can know the extent assigned to  your athens canvas because the renderer will call your drawBlock with a canvas already initialized.
So, you can do something like:

athensPresenter := self newAthens
    drawBlock: [ :aCanvas | | extent |
        extent := aCanvas surface extent.
        ... etc ... ].

But! This is poorly documented and even less used, so there may be missing parts (both bugs and things I didn't think on when I implemented the component).
Please let me know if this is working for you :)


On May 24 2021, at 5:18 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm porting a little Morphic geometry program from Morphic to a Spec 2
application using GTK.

I need to draw a shape in an SpAthensPresenter but to draw it I need to know
the current dimensions (extent) of the presenter so it can still work OK
even when the window is resized.

The old Morphic version also used An Athens canvas but I had no problem then
as a morph has an extent method that provides this information. But now that
I can't use a morph I find that the extent method of an SpPresenter always
seems to answer nil.

Is that right? How d you get the current size of a presenter? Is it a bug?

I'm using a very recent Pharo 9 image and headless VM on Linux.

Build information:
Pharo-9.0.0+build.1399.sha.9ae8329dedfbad7915b7b2cdc4accc7ce8109ce0 (64 Bit)

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021
5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04 +0200

Pharo 9.0.0 built on Apr 30 2021 10:22:47 Compiler: 5.4.0 20160609
VMMaker versionString 5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021

Any help woudl be appreciated.

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

I'm afraid it still doesn't work for me.

If I have a drawBlock like this:


^ [ :aCanvas |
          | paint surface |
          surface := aCanvas surface.
          paint := surface
                           createLinearGradient: {
                                           (0 -> Color blue).
                                           (1 -> Color black) }
                           start: 0 @ 0
                           stop: aCanvas surface extent.
          surface clear.
          aCanvas setPaint: paint.
          aCanvas drawShape: (0 @ 0 corner: aCanvas surface extent) ]

I get just a blank canvas.- nothing is drawn.

If I replace the aCanvas surface extent with a fixed size like this:


        ^ [ :aCanvas |
          | paint surface |
          surface := aCanvas surface.

          paint := surface
                           createLinearGradient: {
                                           (0 -> Color red).
                                           (1 -> Color green) }
                           start: 0 @ 0
                           stop: 300 @ 300.
          surface clear.
          aCanvas setPaint: paint.
          aCanvas drawShape: (0 @ 0 corner: 300 @ 300) ]

then it works.

Any ideas what i might be doing wrong?

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

I should also point out that nothing works unless I also set a surfaceExtent
when the presenter is set up -


        rosesAthensPresenter := RosesAthensPresenter new.
        rosesAthensPresenter surfaceExtent: 400 @ 400.
        rosesAthensPresenter drawBlock: [ :aCanvas |
                | paint surface |
                surface := aCanvas surface.
                paint := surface
                                 createLinearGradient: {
                                                 (0 -> Color blue).
                                                 (1 -> Color black) }
                                 start: 0 @ 0
                                 stop: 300 @ 300.
                surface clear.
                aCanvas setPaint: paint.
                aCanvas drawShape: (0 @ 0 corner: 300 @ 300) ].

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano
Well, I noticed that it was working on gtk  backend but not in morphic

this works perfect:

| extent |
extent := 350@300.
SpAthensPresenter new
application: (SpApplication new useBackend: #Gtk);
surfaceExtent: extent;
drawBlock: [ :aCanvas | | paint surface |
surface := aCanvas surface.
paint := surface
createLinearGradient: {
0->Color red.
1->Color green }
start: 0@0
stop: surface extent.
surface clear.
aCanvas setPaint: paint.
aCanvas drawShape: (0@0 corner: surface extent) ];

but it does not work if you change the backend for morphic.

Anyway, I submit a fix:

It will be in image soon :)


On May 24 2021, at 8:06 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
I should also point out that nothing works unless I also set a surfaceExtentwhen the presenter is set up -


rosesAthensPresenter := RosesAthensPresenter new.
rosesAthensPresenter surfaceExtent: 400 @ 400.
rosesAthensPresenter drawBlock: [ :aCanvas |
| paint surface |
surface := aCanvas surface.
paint := surface
createLinearGradient: {
(0 -> Color blue).
(1 -> Color black) }
start: 0 @ 0
stop: 300 @ 300.
surface clear.
aCanvas setPaint: paint.
aCanvas drawShape: (0 @ 0 corner: 300 @ 300) ].

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Hi Estaban.

Thank you for your helpful and prompt replies to my problem. Unfortunately,
your code does not work for me.

I pasted your code into a playground. When it runs I get no errors but I get
a completely blank window - no sign of the colour gradient.

If I change the backend to #Morphic, I get the gradient but, as you say, it
does not resize.

I just seem to be very unlucky with Gtk.


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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano
Hi again,

Mmm.... that should not be possible. Can you tell me how are you installing and running your gtk backend?
Also, not today and not tomorrow (because I am busy), but you can contact me from thursday in discord and I can try to help you pair programming with you.


On May 25 2021, at 11:43 am, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Estaban.

Thank you for your helpful and prompt replies to my problem. Unfortunately,
your code does not work for me.

I pasted your code into a playground. When it runs I get no errors but I get
a completely blank window - no sign of the colour gradient.

If I change the backend to #Morphic, I get the gradient but, as you say, it
does not resize.

I just seem to be very unlucky with Gtk.


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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

I'm running Xubuntu 20.04. I didn't install Gtk - it comes with the OS.

I'm using the Nvidia video driver. Perhaps that has an effect.  

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano
x11 ?

On May 25 2021, at 12:43 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm running Xubuntu 20.04. I didn't install Gtk - it comes with the OS.

I'm using the Nvidia video driver. Perhaps that has an effect.

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano

and which vm?
On May 25 2021, at 1:43 pm, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:
x11 ?

On May 25 2021, at 12:43 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm running Xubuntu 20.04. I didn't install Gtk - it comes with the OS.

I'm using the Nvidia video driver. Perhaps that has an effect.

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Here are details of X11, the Image and the VM


xdpyinfo | grep version
version number:    11.0
X.Org version: 1.20.9

Build information:
Pharo-9.0.0+build.1399.sha.9ae8329dedfbad7915b7b2cdc4accc7ce8109ce0 (64 Bit)

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021
5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04 +0200

Pharo 9.0.0 built on Apr 30 2021 10:22:47 Compiler: 5.4.0 20160609
VMMaker versionString 5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano

So, I was able to reproduce your problem : for some reason, cairo does not answer a correct surface extent while in x11 (I didn't noticed before because I use wayland).
I can hack a solution (and I will), but have fear that will cause future problems :/ 
Anyway, I will commit a fix and you will be able to use the surface extent message.


On May 25 2021, at 1:59 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
Here are details of X11, the Image and the VM


xdpyinfo | grep version
version number: 11.0
X.Org version: 1.20.9

Build information:
Pharo-9.0.0+build.1399.sha.9ae8329dedfbad7915b7b2cdc4accc7ce8109ce0 (64 Bit)

Virtual Machine
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021
5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04 +0200

Pharo 9.0.0 built on Apr 30 2021 10:22:47 Compiler: 5.4.0 20160609
VMMaker versionString 5125110 - Commit: 5125110 - Date: 2021-04-30 10:05:04
CoInterpreter VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid: 286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr
30 2021
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-tonel.1 uuid:
286e9806-8e7d-0d00-ab06-4e280faf8631 Apr 30 2021

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

In reply to this post by Esteban Lorenzano
Hi Esteban

Do you know when the fix for the extent problem under Gtk will be in the
image? I downloaded the latest Pharo 9 image a couple of days ago and,
though the fix was in for the extent problem in Morphic, it still didn't
work in Gtk.



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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano


Yes, it is there.
Thing is... since cairo does not informs correctly extent of surface in x11, what I did is to add an extra parameter to the drawing block, as you can see in the example :

| extent |
extent := 350@300.
self new
surfaceExtent: extent;
drawBlock: [ :aCanvas :boundingBox | | paint surface |
"Since sometimes a cairo surface does not brings the correct extent (in X11 or Windows,
for example), we use the bounding box of the component."
surface := aCanvas surface.
paint := surface
createLinearGradient: {
0->Color red.
1->Color green }
start: 0@0
stop: boundingBox extent.
surface clear.
aCanvas setPaint: paint.
aCanvas drawShape: (0@0 extent: boundingBox extent) ];

That was tested on Wayland and x11 and it was working properly :)



On Jun 16 2021, at 2:20 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Esteban

Do you know when the fix for the extent problem under Gtk will be in the
image? I downloaded the latest Pharo 9 image a couple of days ago and,
though the fix was in for the extent problem in Morphic, it still didn't
work in Gtk.



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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

Esteban Lorenzano
boo... format lost :P

On Jun 16 2021, at 2:27 pm, Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:


Yes, it is there.
Thing is... since cairo does not informs correctly extent of surface in x11, what I did is to add an extra parameter to the drawing block, as you can see in the example :

| extent |
extent := 350@300.
self new
surfaceExtent: extent;
drawBlock: [ :aCanvas :boundingBox | | paint surface |
"Since sometimes a cairo surface does not brings the correct extent (in X11 or Windows,
for example), we use the bounding box of the component."
surface := aCanvas surface.
paint := surface
createLinearGradient: {
0->Color red.
1->Color green }
start: 0@0
stop: boundingBox extent.
surface clear.
aCanvas setPaint: paint.
aCanvas drawShape: (0@0 extent: boundingBox extent) ];

That was tested on Wayland and x11 and it was working properly :)



On Jun 16 2021, at 2:20 pm, kmo <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Esteban

Do you know when the fix for the extent problem under Gtk will be in the
image? I downloaded the latest Pharo 9 image a couple of days ago and,
though the fix was in for the extent problem in Morphic, it still didn't
work in Gtk.



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Re: How to get dimensions (extent) of a SpPresenter

In reply to this post by Esteban Lorenzano
Many thanks esteban - works fine now in Gtk

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