How can I get the item under a menu?
TestRunner is built with the ToolBuilder. The lists are specified with the
pluggableListSpec and I can provide a selector that builds the menu. When
building the menu I can add selector for the menu entries. As it seems, the
item unter the menu is never known to me. Neither when building the menu nor
when performing a menu item action.
So what I did is the following (an obvious hack)
buildMenu: aMenu
| morph index |
morph := thisContext sender receiver;
index := morph rowAtLocation: Sensor currentPoint.
itemUnderMenu := list at: index ifAbsent: nil.
itemUnderMenu ifNil: [ ^ aMenu ].
^ aMenu
title: itemUnderMenu;
add: 'action' action: #action;
self performActionWith: itemUnderMenu
Can I get this done without a thisContext hack?
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