How to migrate resources to Dolphin 6?

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How to migrate resources to Dolphin 6?

Hi everyone,

i'm new to the group but no to the Smalltalk world. I've been using
Smalltalk mostly at university and also for some private projects.

I'm trying the new Community Edition and putting some tools we've
developed for the students to work; but i'm finding a bit hard to
upgrade resources.

If a export a Dolphin 5 package from the old installation and import it
into a Community Edition image, the process halt with an error (because
it's reading the resource binary code and looks for ResourceView class
wich doesnt exists anymore). So far (2 resources) the "i-hate-everyone"
solution is "truncate" the package, do not import the resources, and
recreate them later with lots of pacience.

I know there's a better solution. Can you point me in the right

Thanks in advance,


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Re: How to migrate resources to Dolphin 6?

Andy Bower

> I'm trying the new Community Edition and putting some tools we've
> developed for the students to work; but i'm finding a bit hard to
> upgrade resources.
> If a export a Dolphin 5 package from the old installation and import
> it into a Community Edition image, the process halt with an error
> (because it's reading the resource binary code and looks for
> ResourceView class wich doesnt exists anymore). So far (2 resources)
> the "i-hate-everyone" solution is "truncate" the package, do not
> import the resources, and recreate them later with lots of pacience.
> I know there's a better solution. Can you point me in the right
> direction?

Take a look at this thread. DCE is missing the "Dolphin Legacy
Resources" package which you can install from this message:

The problem will be fixed in the next release.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: How to migrate resources to Dolphin 6?

Andy Bower wrote:

> Daniel
> > I'm trying the new Community Edition and putting some tools we've
> > developed for the students to work; but i'm finding a bit hard to
> > upgrade resources.
> >
> > If a export a Dolphin 5 package from the old installation and import
> > it into a Community Edition image, the process halt with an error
> > (because it's reading the resource binary code and looks for
> > ResourceView class wich doesnt exists anymore). So far (2 resources)
> > the "i-hate-everyone" solution is "truncate" the package, do not
> > import the resources, and recreate them later with lots of pacience.
> >
> > I know there's a better solution. Can you point me in the right
> > direction?
> Take a look at this thread. DCE is missing the "Dolphin Legacy
> Resources" package which you can install from this message:
> thread/101edffcc0af0442/76b030fb65bcfe99?lnk=st&q=dolphin+smalltalk+lega
> cy+resource+framework&rnum=1&hl=en-GB#76b030fb65bcfe99

Thank you very much. I imported successfully my old packages! Now i'm
battling with the new views for Method source and others tools, but
that's another problem.

