How to print playground contents as I type them.

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How to print playground contents as I type them.

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).

When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?



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Re: How to print playground contents as I type them.

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

Just a gentle remainder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

By the way, despite of all the local activities where Pharo is a key
core infrastructure and enabler, I'm, AFAIK, the only active
Pharoer/Smalltalker in my country and (virtual) community has been key
on my self-guided learning. Now this is even more visible in COVID times
and make me think about it.

We have had 14 editions of the Data Week[1] (anti)hackathon covering
civic tech, self publishing, data visualization for diverse participants
(librarians, teachers, activists, journalists) and 48 editions of the
Data Rodas (the shorter one afternoon version). Grafoscopio and Pharo
have been there since the beginning, supporting community activities
with different levels of visibility, but is now kind of in the back end.
With the Indie Web workshops we started a week ago[2], I think that we
have found a sweet spot between a project that is practical and simple
enough to encourage adult learners to use it and code it. Also I have
started the documentation of Brea[3][3a] and hopefully I will be
providing a Brea powered indie web site to show the road map and the
posilities. I will keep sharing the advances in its own thread, once is
more advanced.


Anyway, I just one to thank once more to the community for being
supportive in my learning and help me to bridge local and international
communities and concerns... Well and also remain if any of you can help
me with my question, as this would help the only active Pharoer in my
country to improve learning experience to future local Pharoers.



On 5/08/20 5:15 p. m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
> write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
> revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
> same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
> is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
> a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).
> When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
> transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
> how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
> would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
> they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
> How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?
> Thanks,
> Offray

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Re: How to print playground contents as I type them.

Stéphane Ducasse

On 21 Aug 2020, at 21:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:


Just a gentle remainder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

you would like to evaluate the expression at each key stroke?
It means that you can register a callback (I do not know how do it but I would like to know)
and invoke the parser with evaluate: (I hope that there is a evaluate:onError:[]) and printString the result.


By the way, despite of all the local activities where Pharo is a key
core infrastructure and enabler, I'm, AFAIK, the only active
Pharoer/Smalltalker in my country and (virtual) community has been key
on my self-guided learning. Now this is even more visible in COVID times
and make me think about it.

We have had 14 editions of the Data Week[1] (anti)hackathon covering
civic tech, self publishing, data visualization for diverse participants
(librarians, teachers, activists, journalists) and 48 editions of the
Data Rodas (the shorter one afternoon version). Grafoscopio and Pharo
have been there since the beginning, supporting community activities
with different levels of visibility, but is now kind of in the back end.
With the Indie Web workshops we started a week ago[2], I think that we
have found a sweet spot between a project that is practical and simple
enough to encourage adult learners to use it and code it. Also I have
started the documentation of Brea[3][3a] and hopefully I will be
providing a Brea powered indie web site to show the road map and the
posilities. I will keep sharing the advances in its own thread, once is
more advanced.


Anyway, I just one to thank once more to the community for being
supportive in my learning and help me to bridge local and international
communities and concerns... Well and also remain if any of you can help
me with my question, as this would help the only active Pharoer in my
country to improve learning experience to future local Pharoers.



On 5/08/20 5:15 p. m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).

When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?



Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

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Re: How to print playground contents as I type them.

Steven Costiou-2
In reply to this post by Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2


no idea if that's what you are looking to, but there is

RubScrolledTextMorph>>whenKeystrokeInTextArea: anAnnouncement
    self announcer announce: (anAnnouncement copy morph: self)

I instrumented that in one of my projects to capture what's written in text areas and print it on the Transcript.
But at this level, it does it for any text area. I guess it is possible to filter and only print what comes from the Playground.



Le 2020-08-21 21:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :


Just a gentle remainder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

By the way, despite of all the local activities where Pharo is a key
core infrastructure and enabler, I'm, AFAIK, the only active
Pharoer/Smalltalker in my country and (virtual) community has been key
on my self-guided learning. Now this is even more visible in COVID times
and make me think about it.

We have had 14 editions of the Data Week[1] (anti)hackathon covering
civic tech, self publishing, data visualization for diverse participants
(librarians, teachers, activists, journalists) and 48 editions of the
Data Rodas (the shorter one afternoon version). Grafoscopio and Pharo
have been there since the beginning, supporting community activities
with different levels of visibility, but is now kind of in the back end.
With the Indie Web workshops we started a week ago[2], I think that we
have found a sweet spot between a project that is practical and simple
enough to encourage adult learners to use it and code it. Also I have
started the documentation of Brea[3][3a] and hopefully I will be
providing a Brea powered indie web site to show the road map and the
posilities. I will keep sharing the advances in its own thread, once is
more advanced.


Anyway, I just one to thank once more to the community for being
supportive in my learning and help me to bridge local and international
communities and concerns... Well and also remain if any of you can help
me with my question, as this would help the only active Pharoer in my
country to improve learning experience to future local Pharoers.



On 5/08/20 5:15 p. m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).

When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?




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Re: How to print playground contents as I type them.

Stéphane Ducasse
thanks this is cool I did not know. 

I would like to use this trick to improve the microdown PEAR tool

On 21 Aug 2020, at 22:51, Steven Costiou <[hidden email]> wrote:


no idea if that's what you are looking to, but there is

RubScrolledTextMorph>>whenKeystrokeInTextArea: anAnnouncement
    self announcer announce: (anAnnouncement copy morph: self)

I instrumented that in one of my projects to capture what's written in text areas and print it on the Transcript.
But at this level, it does it for any text area. I guess it is possible to filter and only print what comes from the Playground.



Le 2020-08-21 21:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :


Just a gentle remainder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

By the way, despite of all the local activities where Pharo is a key
core infrastructure and enabler, I'm, AFAIK, the only active
Pharoer/Smalltalker in my country and (virtual) community has been key
on my self-guided learning. Now this is even more visible in COVID times
and make me think about it.

We have had 14 editions of the Data Week[1] (anti)hackathon covering
civic tech, self publishing, data visualization for diverse participants
(librarians, teachers, activists, journalists) and 48 editions of the
Data Rodas (the shorter one afternoon version). Grafoscopio and Pharo
have been there since the beginning, supporting community activities
with different levels of visibility, but is now kind of in the back end.
With the Indie Web workshops we started a week ago[2], I think that we
have found a sweet spot between a project that is practical and simple
enough to encourage adult learners to use it and code it. Also I have
started the documentation of Brea[3][3a] and hopefully I will be
providing a Brea powered indie web site to show the road map and the
posilities. I will keep sharing the advances in its own thread, once is
more advanced.


Anyway, I just one to thank once more to the community for being
supportive in my learning and help me to bridge local and international
communities and concerns... Well and also remain if any of you can help
me with my question, as this would help the only active Pharoer in my
country to improve learning experience to future local Pharoers.



On 5/08/20 5:15 p. m., Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I have an annoying bug in Grafoscopio. While text nodes are updated as I
write them, code nodes capture the penultimate keystroke. So, when I
revisit a text node all the typed content is there, but when I do the
same with a code (playground) node I found the last character lost (this
is particularly annoying when the last keystroke is a key completion or
a cut and paste operation that happens in a single combined stroke).

When I was programming the notebook behavior I remember dealing with
transmissions between parts of the playground and the rest of the UI and
how to capture playground events. So I think that a minimal test example
would be to send to the Transcript, keystrokes from the playground as
they happen and to see which the the message that capture them all. So,
How can I print playground contents as I type them in the playground?




Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650