according to Microsoft's MSHTML documentation, it is possible to connect an
event sink to any HTML DOM object. I tried the following, but couldn't make
it work. Any ideas what's wrong are appreciated.
This is, what I tried. Setup a IWebBrowser2 object in the control browser,
self is the instance. Now evaluate:
"create an empty HTML DOM..."
self navigate: 'about:blank'.
"set a webpage, the javascript-stuff is needed to disable the default
self document body innerHTML: '<a id="X" href="javascript:void(0)">Test,
test, test</a>'.
"get the A element"
e := self document all item: 'X'.
"get the element's event source type info"
ti := (e coclassTypeInfoIfNone: [^nil]) defaultSourceInterface.
"create an event sink"
sink := AXEventSink target: self sourceTypeInfo: ti.
sink isTracingEnabled: true.
"connect it"
sink connect: e
But I don't get any event from that element. I added a "Transcript show"
message to AXEventSink#invokeId:flags:withArguments: to test this.
Stefan Matthias Aust // Truth Until Paradox