Hi Ben, sure.
This is my browser entry point:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
row: [ :r |
column: #adaptations;
column: #objects;
column: #methods ].
browser row: #diff.
browser transmit
to: #adaptations;
andShow: [ :a :adaptations | self adaptations: adaptations in: a ].
^ browser
adaptations: adaptations in: composite
| list |
list := composite fastList.
list title: 'Adaptations'.
list display: adaptations.
adaptationsList := list.
So my problem is that this adaptation list may change overtime. So periodically the #step method is called, the adaptation collection is updated and i also call #update to refresh the browser. However, if an adaptation was selected in the list, then calling #update will reset this selection.
Le 2017-10-13 13:33, Ben Coman a écrit :