Thanks to the TreeMorph Pharocast (thank you!) and some digging, I have added a context menu to a PluggableTreeMorph that lets me add a child to a selected node (I am just using the idea of nested "accounts"):
| isExpanded |
aTreeMorph selectedMorph complexContents item addAccount:
(Account new accountName: (UIManager default request: 'Enter a new account name:')).
isExpanded := aTreeMorph selectedMorph isExpanded.
aTreeMorph toggleExpandedState: aTreeMorph selectedMorph.
isExpanded ifTrue: [aTreeMorph toggleExpandedState: aTreeMorph selectedMorph.]
But as you can see I can only figure out how to show new nodes by toggling the expanded state, which is really not helpful if you want to rename, delete, etc... Is there a way to somehow just inform the PluggableTreeMorph to redraw itself after changing its contents?
Thank you,
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