How to remove packages and reclaim image size?

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How to remove packages and reclaim image size?

Tim Mackinnon
Hi - I’m wondering how you best remove packages in the image to reclaim space?

I am a bit confused because I see 2 package systems MCPackage and RPackage? And I see 2 different ways of removing things:

(MCPackage named: name) unload
(RPackage organizer packageNamed: name) unregister 

So which is the correct one to use (or are they the same?).

I’ve tried both, but then when I save my image (headless in a script) - it doesn’t seem to make any difference in image size. So I’m also wondering if there is an extra step to forcing size reduction. I have tried:

3 timesRepeat: [
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
Smalltalk cleanOutUndeclared.
Smalltalk fixObsoleteReferences].
Which is what I saw in some ImageCleaner tool, but again I don’t see any image size difference, which makes me wonder if I’m doing the wrong thing or missing a step?
