How to remove pundles from Store

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How to remove pundles from Store

Lautaro Fernández
I'd like to know if there is some script to remove packages/bundles from the repository (we're working on vwnc 7.6, and using PostgreSQL as store).
If so, where can I get it?

Thanks in advance,

Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

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Re: How to remove pundles from Store

Niall Ross
Dear Lautaro,
    to delete pundles from a Store database, use the Store GarbageCollector.

You must have administrator privileges:

    a) in Store:  when you first created your Store database via
installDatabaseTables, you were prompted to create an Administrator
login, often called BERN and mapped to the BERN table owner.  Other
logins can be added to the group with administrator privileges by
already-privileged users.

    b) in the database:  your BERN user will already have the database
privileges they need, else they could not create the tables.  Any others
you qualify in Store must likewise have the access they need in the

You must have both of these.  If a login with all the db access it needs
is not in Store's ADMINISTRATION group, Store will block GC.  If a user
in Store's ADMINISTRATION group does not have the db rights, the GC will
fail.  Using the BERN login that installed the Store tables in the
database is the natural approach.

Either open the GarbageCollector UI and specify what to delete or, if
its UI does not match your specific requirements, bypass it and prepare
a GC script, using the API on the class-side of Pundle (examples
follow).  The script could look like

        (Bundle allVersionsWithName: 'MyOutOfDateBundle')
        (Package allVersionsWithName: 'MyOutOfDatePackageA'),
        (Package allVersionsWithName: 'MyOutOfDatePackageB').

Given the slowness of GC, you may prefer a succession of
individually-executed statements

        (Bundle allVersionsWithName: 'MyOutOfDateBundle'
andBlessingLevel: Policies blessingPolicy brokenBlessing)
    packages: #().
    removeBundles: #()
    packages: (Package allVersionsWithName: ''MyOutOfDatePackageA'
andBlessingLevel: 10).
    removeBundles: #()
        (Array with:
            (Package pundleWithName: ''MyOutOfDatePackageB' version:
'6.3 - temporary.1').

Be patient as GC runs.  (If you run a series of operations separately,
be aware that deleting in order from top-level bundles through
subbundles to packages keeps the database state clean after each step.)

An alternative to garbage collection is replicating the pundles you wish
to keep to a new Store database.  The main point to watch when doing
that is preservation of the parent-child relationships:  the replicator
cannot synch to a parent if the parent has not yet been replicated;  
replicating the parent later will not restore the broken relationship.  
So, where you intend to replicate only subsets of a pundle's version
tree, replicate the oldest item you intend to keep first (with
'Replicate Recursively' off), then the leaves of which it is the root
(with 'Replicate Recursively' on).  It's straightfoward once you've
grapsed what the replicator is doing.

          Yours faithfully
             Niall Ross

> I'd like to know if there is some script to remove packages/bundles
> from the repository (we're working on vwnc 7.6, and using PostgreSQL
> as store).
> If so, where can I get it?
> Thanks in advance,
> Lautaro
> --
> Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker
>vwnc mailing list
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Re: How to remove pundles from Store

Dave Stevenson-3
In reply to this post by Lautaro Fernández
I don't know about a script, but $(VISUALWORKS)\doc\SourceCodeMgmtGuide.pdf chapter 8 "Administering Store" has a section "Garbage collecting the database". I have trouble with this even when logged in as an admin. I have to log in as the db owner (typically BERN).
Dave Stevenson
[hidden email]

From: Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>
To: VW NC <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wed, June 2, 2010 8:40:08 AM
Subject: [vwnc] How to remove pundles from Store

I'd like to know if there is some script to remove packages/bundles from the repository (we're working on vwnc 7.6, and using PostgreSQL as store).
If so, where can I get it?

Thanks in advance,

Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

vwnc mailing list
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Smalltalk practice tests

Simon Peter-2
In reply to this post by Niall Ross
not a serious issue.

I have nearly 5 yrs experience in VWST.
I wonder where i stand compared to my peers w.r.t. my knowledge.

Is there some tests which i can take to know this?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Smalltalk practice tests

Ajaya Ghosh
Hi Simon, why can't u go and give a try on brain-bench site. I believe all
the questions are based on VW only.
I am not aware of any other practical tests available today.

Thanks & Regards
  Ajaya Ghosh A.S.
  Mob:- 9011095560
  Email:- [hidden email]
             [hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
Of Simon Peter
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:23 PM
Subject: [vwnc] Smalltalk practice tests

not a serious issue.

I have nearly 5 yrs experience in VWST.
I wonder where i stand compared to my peers w.r.t. my knowledge.

Is there some tests which i can take to know this?

Thanks in advance,


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