How to resume the debugger in code without extra debug window?

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How to resume the debugger in code without extra debug window?

Tim Mackinnon
I’m wondering if someone knows the trick to programmatically restarting the debugger (or pre-debugger) without getting an extra window?

In my debug action (a button) I have some code that does:

aContext stack second restart

However this gives me a second pre-debug window?

Any thoughts?
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Re: How to resume the debugger in code without extra debug window?

Tim Mackinnon
Typical - after not finding anything, as soon as you send an email it occurred to me to see how the pre-debug window opens a debug window and then I found it:

modelWindow := self debugger window.
                model: nil;

And a similar thing for the pre-debug window to0

self preDebugWindow
        debugger: nil;

> On 11 Aug 2018, at 16:44, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I’m wondering if someone knows the trick to programmatically restarting the debugger (or pre-debugger) without getting an extra window?
> In my debug action (a button) I have some code that does:
> aContext stack second restart
> However this gives me a second pre-debug window?
> Any thoughts?

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Re: How to resume the debugger in code without extra debug window?

Ben Coman
On 11 August 2018 at 23:22, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
Typical - after not finding anything, as soon as you send an email it occurred to me...

 My theory on that... is you get stuck in one line of thought that precludes other solutions,
and the act of offloading your thoughts into an email and posting it off
resets you, and your mind is clear to wander into other solutions.

cheers -ben