I would like to allow the user to select one or more text files at the same time, and then allow my application to operate on that collection of files. Right now, I use the following code to open a single file - but this method does not allow the user to select more than one file at a time (via CTRL or SHIFT). fileName := FileOpenDialog new caption: 'Choose the File'; value: 'e:\XXX\xxx.txt'; fileTypes: #( ('Text Files (*.xxx)' '*.xxx') ); showModal. How can I get a collection of file names ? As always, thanks so much for your help and insights ! Best wishes, Ken Lee |
Try the following. You use it in the same way as a FileOpenDialog but it allows multiple selections and answers either nil or a collection of full (i.e. each one has a complete path) filenames. The buffer size is hard coded into it but I've been using this since the early betas and it hasn't caused a problem for me. It should allow around 100 files before failing - if you need more than that just increase the buffer size. Ian FileOpenDialog subclass: #MultipleFileOpenDialog instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' MultipleFileOpenDialog>>showModal "Show a Open File dialog for the receiver. Answer a String containing the name of the selected file or nil if no selection was made. Modified for MultipleFiles Bigger buffer Parse buffer for zero terminated strings stopping at double 0 Answer nil, array with one file (windows adds path) or array with lots of files (we add path)" | buf filename result files | buf := String new: 10000. filename := self value. filename notNil ifTrue: [buf replaceFrom: 1 to: filename size with: filename]. self winStruct nMaxFile: buf size; lpstrFile: buf; flags: self style. result := ComDlgLibrary default perform: self commonDialogSelector with: winStruct. result ifTrue: [ buf := buf copyFrom: 1 to: (buf indexOfSubCollection: ##(String with: Character null with: Character null)). self value: (buf subStrings: Character null). self apply ]. files := self answer. (files isNil or: [files size <= 1]) ifTrue: [^files]. ^(2 to: files size) collect: [:index | File composePath: (files at: 1) subPath: (files at: index)] MultipleFileOpenDialog>>style "Answers the style for the receiver" ^super style bitOr: (OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER) |
Ian -
Works like a charm. You're the man ! Best wishes, Ken Lee > Try the following. You use it in the same way as a FileOpenDialog but it > allows multiple selections and answers either nil or a collection of full > (i.e. each one has a complete path) filenames. > > The buffer size is hard coded into it but I've been using this since the > early betas and it hasn't caused a problem for me. It should allow around > 100 files before failing - if you need more than that just increase the > buffer size. > > Ian > > FileOpenDialog subclass: #MultipleFileOpenDialog > instanceVariableNames: '' > classVariableNames: '' > poolDictionaries: '' > classInstanceVariableNames: '' > > MultipleFileOpenDialog>>showModal > "Show a Open File dialog for the receiver. > Answer a String containing the name of the selected file or nil if > selection was made. > Modified for MultipleFiles > Bigger buffer > Parse buffer for zero terminated strings stopping at double 0 > Answer nil, array with one file (windows adds path) or array with > lots of files (we add path)" > > | buf filename result files | > buf := String new: 10000. > > filename := self value. > filename notNil ifTrue: [buf replaceFrom: 1 to: filename size with: > filename]. > self winStruct > nMaxFile: buf size; > lpstrFile: buf; > flags: self style. > > result := ComDlgLibrary default perform: self commonDialogSelector > with: winStruct. > result ifTrue: [ > buf := buf copyFrom: 1 to: (buf indexOfSubCollection: ##(String > with: Character null with: Character null)). > > self value: (buf subStrings: Character null). > self apply ]. > > files := self answer. > (files isNil or: [files size <= 1]) ifTrue: [^files]. > ^(2 to: files size) collect: [:index | File composePath: (files at: 1) > subPath: (files at: index)] > > MultipleFileOpenDialog>>style > "Answers the style for the receiver" > ^super style bitOr: (OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER) > > > > > > |
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