my Shells contain a table. I would like to set the inital size of my shell such that all column values and rows in the contained table are fully visible. This resembles doubleclicking all the seams between columns in the table header bar) and then resizing the window such that all rows and columns are visible (I do not have that many rows and columns). Is this possible in some way? Ciao ...Jochen |
> my Shells contain a table. I would like to set the inital size of my > shell such that all column values and rows in the contained table are > fully visible. This resembles doubleclicking all the seams between > columns in the table header bar) and then resizing the window such that > all rows and columns are visible (I do not have that many rows and > columns). > > Is this possible in some way? If I'm following you, there is an auto size option (for the columns of an enhanced list view) that might do what you want. Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
Hi Bill...
yep, I use autosize to scale the table columns according to window size, but what I want is kind of the opposite. A filled table has some ideal column width that would just show all the contents untruncated but not moer. You can easily achieve this by doubleclicking on the thin seam between adjacent columns in the column header (seems to be windows functionality). Given I have done this for all my columns I will end up with some size I have to resize my window to that shows all the table contents untruncated but does not waste any more screen space - this is what I meant with shrinkwrapped. I am just wondering if one could do this programmatically. Currently I open the shells all with a given size and have to manually doubleclick all the column seams, then resize the window manually - quite annoying. If the width is not working the height would be a big help. E.g. some of my tables have merely two rows, others 20. If I could resize the shell to just show all rows but not more, this would be a good start. I thought I could just nil out preferredExtent and let the layout do the job but it does not seem to work. Ciao ...Jochen |
I've had a play and came up with the following workspace code. It isn't pretty but it sort of works. There are a couple of "fiddle factors" (see inline comments) that could probably be eliminated with a bit more work. You can test the rearrangement by removing the $m from the list of characters in the "populate it" section. It generates the widest field. "SETUP add a couple of missing methods" ListView compile: 'lvmGetTopIndex ^self sendMessage: 4135 "LVM_GETTOPINDEX"'. ListView compile: 'lvmGetCountPerPage ^self sendMessage: 4136 "LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE"'. "create a ListView with 4 columns" lv := ListView show. lv primaryColumn text: 'Col1'. lv addColumn: (ListViewColumn text: 'Col2'). lv addColumn: (ListViewColumn text: 'Col3'). lv addColumn: (ListViewColumn text: 'Col4'). lv getImageBlock: nil. (lv columnAtIndex: 1) getTextBlock: [:item | item at: 1]; isAutoResize: false; width: 10. (lv columnAtIndex: 2) getTextBlock: [:item | item at: 2]; isAutoResize: false; width: 10. (lv columnAtIndex: 3) getTextBlock: [:item | item at: 3]; isAutoResize: false; width: 10. (lv columnAtIndex: 4) getTextBlock: [:item | item at: 4]; isAutoResize: false; width: 10. "populate it" lv list: ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' asArray collect: [:each | Array with: ((String new: 2) atAllPut: each) with: ((String new: 4) atAllPut: each) with: ((String new: 6) atAllPut: each) with: ((String new: 9) atAllPut: each)]). "REARRANGE for each column find out the maximum width of each string and set the column's width to the widest. it needs two fiddle factors 1) allow for excta whitespace in each cell 2) allow some extra room for the vertical scroll bar " top := lv lvmGetTopIndex. "first visible item (0 based)" count := lv lvmGetCountPerPage. "visible rows" fiddle := 8. total := 0. 1 to: 4 do: [:index | | max | "width of title" max := lv lvmGetStringWidth: (lv columnAtIndex: index) text. top to: top + count do: [:row | "width of cells in column" max := max max: (lv lvmGetStringWidth: ((lv list at: row + 1) at: index) printString)]. (lv columnAtIndex: index) width: max + fiddle. total := total + max + fiddle]. "now set the width of the top shell + scroll bar" lv topShell width: total + 32 -- Ian Use the Reply-To address to contact me (limited validity). Mail sent to the From address is ignored. |
Hi Ian...
wow, this is much more I expected! Thanks a lot! Actually I do not even need the two added methods to list view as I enlarge the shell in height anyway to hold the whole table. The height-adjusting was easy with your example at hand. Nevertheless the two methods are great to know! The fiddle factors are weird, looks to me like the 8 pixels fiddle per column are somewhat hardcoded inside the table. Anyway it workd great for me, thanks again! Ciao ...Jochen |
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