How to track which command is currently called by Pharo?

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How to track which command is currently called by Pharo?

In Pharo, after I use right click on the class name and select 'browse references,' a list of references will show up.

I would like to know which methods are being called during this execution because I need to fetch all the references of that class for my software development for Pharo. I am doing something regarding class dependencies in Pharo.

Thank you very much for your help.
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Re: How to track which command is currently called by Pharo?

Sean P. DeNigris
j-wings wrote
In Pharo, after I use right click on the class name and select 'browse references,' a list of references will show up.

I would like to know which methods are being called during this execution because I need to fetch all the references of that class for my software development for Pharo. I am doing something regarding class dependencies in Pharo.

Thank you very much for your help.
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Re: How to track which command is currently called by Pharo?

On 30/03/2013 21:10, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

> j-wings wrote
>> In Pharo, after I use right click on the class name and select 'browse
>> references,' a list of references will show up.
>> I would like to know which methods are being called during this execution
>> because I need to fetch all the references of that class for my software
>> development for Pharo. I am doing something regarding class dependencies
>> in Pharo.
>> Thank you very much for your help.
Try FooClass allCallsOn

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Re: How to track which command is currently called by Pharo?

Thank you very much.

It works.

I have more questions:
1) how to see which methods are being executed by the GUI? Is there a way to visualize it like the debugger in Pharo?
2) how to fetch all the functions inside the class?
3) how to see which classes that FooClass uses inside? For example, it may have an instance that is an object of FooClass2.
4) how to see which classes that a method uses?