How to try Shapes and Gaucho?

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How to try Shapes and Gaucho?

Denis Kudriashov

ss3 repo for Shapes and Gaucho closed for reading or maybe empty.
So is it possible to get it somewhere? maybe there is prepared image?

Actually I gather migrate our applications to last Pharo and use latest achievemens like fuel and tanker.
And of course I want vector graphics for user interface by athens.
And I very very excited about shapes which gives clean and powerfull morphic replacement (Am I right?)

But to understand amount of work for such big changes I should see shapes livelly. I need code.

Best regards,
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Re: How to try Shapes and Gaucho?

Fernando olivero-2
Hi Denis, I'm actively working on Shapes/Gaucho, but not having the
time to finally polish it to release has held me back in doing so.

The repos are closed for now, until i release them.

Shapes is not "production" ready, unless you are willing to work on
it. Meaning that Gaucho is the sole user for now. It's much more
simpler than using Morphic though(at the expense of loosing some
features, which were never used by the way).  What it gives you is:

1) Vector graphics, its based on Athens.
2) Customizable shapes using a kind of CSS.
3) Shapes always deal with a local coordinate system, no matter were
they're placed in the top/down hierarchy within the scene
4)  simpler Event handling based on message passing (instead of
MorphicEvents), a reified  display and peripherals,
5) An non-overlapping scheme, with snowplowing.
6) No GLOBALS, such as World & ActiveHand.
6) etc...

What's preventing me from releasing it now, is that the
MultipleLinesTextEditor based on Cairo/Pango isnt 100% finished, so
you can type and edit multiple lines of text, and methods. I'm working
on it.


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello
> ss3 repo for Shapes and Gaucho closed for reading or maybe empty.
> So is it possible to get it somewhere? maybe there is prepared image?
> Actually I gather migrate our applications to last Pharo and use latest achievemens like fuel and tanker.
> And of course I want vector graphics for user interface by athens.
> And I very very excited about shapes which gives clean and powerfull morphic replacement (Am I right?)
> But to understand amount of work for such big changes I should see shapes livelly. I need code.
> Best regards,
> Denis

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Re: How to try Shapes and Gaucho?

Denis Kudriashov
Hello Fernando

2012/9/29 Fernando Olivero <[hidden email]>
Hi Denis, I'm actively working on Shapes/Gaucho, but not having the
time to finally polish it to release has held me back in doing so.

The repos are closed for now, until i release them.

Shapes is not "production" ready, unless you are willing to work on
it. Meaning that Gaucho is the sole user for now. It's much more
simpler than using Morphic though(at the expense of loosing some
features, which were never used by the way).  What it gives you is:

1) Vector graphics, its based on Athens.
2) Customizable shapes using a kind of CSS.
3) Shapes always deal with a local coordinate system, no matter were
they're placed in the top/down hierarchy within the scene
4)  simpler Event handling based on message passing (instead of
MorphicEvents), a reified  display and peripherals,
5) An non-overlapping scheme, with snowplowing.
6) No GLOBALS, such as World & ActiveHand.
6) etc...

What you say looks really great like I read about it before.
And that's why I have big impatience to look at code and learn object design of your system.
For example I'am very interested how you decompose big morph object in shapes environment, how you implement layout engines, how it compared to cuis simple morphic and newspeak Hopscotch approaches.
What's preventing me from releasing it now, is that the
MultipleLinesTextEditor based on Cairo/Pango isnt 100% finished, so
you can type and edit multiple lines of text, and methods. I'm working
on it.

So to satisfy my curiosity I don't really need totally completed production-ready system. Just some runnable image with code which I can investigate.
And actually for my applications I need just simple labels, icons, single line input fields, and flexible layouts.

In any case thank's for your effort.


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello
> ss3 repo for Shapes and Gaucho closed for reading or maybe empty.
> So is it possible to get it somewhere? maybe there is prepared image?
> Actually I gather migrate our applications to last Pharo and use latest achievemens like fuel and tanker.
> And of course I want vector graphics for user interface by athens.
> And I very very excited about shapes which gives clean and powerfull morphic replacement (Am I right?)
> But to understand amount of work for such big changes I should see shapes livelly. I need code.
> Best regards,
> Denis