How to uninstall an empty package from Dolphin 5.1.4 Pro

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How to uninstall an empty package from Dolphin 5.1.4 Pro

Joseph Frippiat-2
In my image I have ST3D and an empty package.  This package never used ST3D.
I removed all its classes but I am not allowed to remove it!  Each time I
try, I get an error message "The class CcSt3dImageStripper could not be
found..." (this class does not exist).
What can I do ?



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Re: How to uninstall an empty package from Dolphin 5.1.4 Pro

Ian Bartholomew-21

> What can I do ?

Two possibilities...

1) Create a new subclass of ImageStripper named CcSt3dImageStripper
(assuming there isn't one already).  Delete the package and then delete
the added class.

2) Select the package in the PackageBrowser, open it's properties and
set the #imageStripper aspect to nil.  Save the package and then try to
delete it again.

Make this the second option though as when I tried to replicate your
problem I had difficulties setting the stripper to nil.  If you can't do
it manually then try pro grammatically.

(PackageManager current packageNamed: 'Whatever') imageStripper: nil

  If OA want to replicate the problem in 2 ....

-Add an ImageStripper subclass called Fred.
-Add a new package.
-Use the deployment option to set the package's stripper to Fred
-Delete Fred
-Open up the package's properties and try to open the context menu on
the #imageStripper option - you get a walkback.


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