On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 7:16 AM, R. Tyler Croy
<[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm having trouble figuring out how to use announcements, I'm assuming they're
similar to existing JavaScript events, but I'm not clear on how I should be
creating them, firing them or consuming them.
Any documentation on them would be appreciated :)
- R. Tyler Croy
first you need an instance of Announcer.
The SystemAnnouncer for example can be obtained through
announcerInstance := SystemAnnouncer current.
You can also create your own single instance of Announcer or a subclass of it.
Then you need a class for each announcement (see SystemAnnouncement and subclasses).
Announcement classes don't necessarily need any methods.
Sending announcements is as easy as:
announcerInstance announce: AnnouncementClass new.
For receiving announcements you have to register a callback for the desired announcement class like the following:
announcerInstance on: AnnouncementClass do: [:announcement | "do something when announcement occurs"].
Hope this helps.