I am trying to send a 2 dimensional SafeArray from a Visaul Basic COM Client to a Dolphin Smalltalk COM Server object and return a modified 2 dimensional SafeArray back. The MIDL is: [ uuid(9CE0A112-85FB-4779-8D15-F2EF197C5F02), version(1.0) ] library STExample { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // Primary dispatch interface for Test [ uuid(59DA5EAA-30C6-4C37-8D35-01CF37C26281),odl, dual, oleautomation ] interface ISTExample : IDispatch { HRESULT test([in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY (BSTR)* result); }; // Class information for Example [ uuid(679EA2A8-860F-4C49-9761-E9540418865D) ] coclass Example { [default] dispinterface ISTExample; }; }; Can anybody provide me with a small example of accessing the SafeArray elements and creating, filling and returning a SafeArray. I think the best way is to encapsulate such functinality in a wrapper class. Is this right ? Currently I am using only a evaluation license of Dolphin 5 XP. So I can not see the source code and documentation of the class SafeArray. Only the method signatures are visible to me. Wolfgang Wunderlich |
"Wolfgang Wunderlich" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Hello, > > I am trying to send a 2 dimensional SafeArray from a Visaul Basic COM > Client to a Dolphin Smalltalk COM Server object and return a modified > 2 dimensional SafeArray back. > > The MIDL is: > .... > HRESULT test([in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY > (BSTR)* result); > }; >... Hmmm, not sure you can actually call that from VB. I have a feeling that VB can only pass SAFEARRAYs (i.e. its own arrays) by reference, so the input parameter needs another level of indirection, even though it is in-only. Either way, it doesn't really make a lot of difference to Dolphin. > ... > Can anybody provide me with a small example of accessing the SafeArray > elements and creating, filling and returning a SafeArray. >... See the attached, which I hope will also be useful to anyone else struggling with SAFEARRAYs. Handling multiple dimensions is left as an exercise for the reader. Regards Blair ------------------------------------ | package | package := Package name: 'SafeArrayExample'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: 'Example of receiving and returning SAFEARRAY parameters'. package basicScriptAt: #postinstall put: 'STExample register; registerClassFactory'. package basicScriptAt: #preuninstall put: 'STExample revokeClassFactories'. package classNames add: #ISTExample; add: #STExample; yourself. package globalNames add: #STExampleLib; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new add: #STExampleLib; yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\ActiveX\Automation\ActiveX Automation'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\ActiveX\COM\OLE COM'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! AXDualImp subclass: #STExample instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! IDispatch subclass: #ISTExample instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! STExample guid: (GUID fromString: '{DDEBF20A-84A9-458A-9707-84FD19CC2DFC}')! STExample comment: ''! !STExample categoriesForClass!COM-Implementations! ! !STExample methodsFor! interfaceClass ^ISTExample! Test: input result: result "Note that the VM will already have wrapped the input argument as a SAFEARRAY, however I don't think VB can call this method as it can only pass arrays by reference. HRESULT __stdcall test( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result);" | in answer | answer := SAFEARRAY length: input size elementClass: BSTR. input keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | answer at: i put: each asString asUppercase]. "We must ensure we don't leave the input array locked" input unaccessData. result value: answer detach. ^S_OK! Test2: inStrings ppsaOut: ppsaOut "Because inStrings is doubly-indirected, it will arrive as an LPVOID object, and we must manually wrap this up into a SAFEARRAY. HRESULT __stdcall test2( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut);" | in answer | in := SAFEARRAY fromAddress: inStrings elementClass: BSTR owner: inStrings. answer := SAFEARRAY length: in size elementClass: BSTR. in keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | answer at: i put: each asString capitalized]. "We must ensure we don't leave the input array locked" in unaccessData. ppsaOut value: answer detach. ^S_OK ! ! !STExample categoriesFor: #interfaceClass!accessing!public! ! !STExample categoriesFor: #Test:result:!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!public! ! !STExample categoriesFor: #Test2:ppsaOut:!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!public! ! STExample methodProtocol: #'STExample.ISTExample' attributes: #() selectors: #(#Test:result: #Test2:ppsaOut:)! !STExample class methodsFor! clsid ^ISTExample clsid! example | test inStrings result result2 offset strings | test := ISTExample new. strings := #('abc' 'def' 'ghi'). inStrings := SAFEARRAY length: strings size elementClass: BSTR. strings keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | inStrings at: i put: each asBSTR]. result := test test: inStrings. result2 := test test2: inStrings! progID ^'SafeArrayExample.1'! ! !STExample class categoriesFor: #clsid!constants!public! ! !STExample class categoriesFor: #example!examples!public! ! !STExample class categoriesFor: #progID!constants!public! ! ISTExample guid: (IID fromString: '{59DA5EAA-30C6-4C37-8D35-01CF37C26281}')! ISTExample comment: '<ISTExample> is a wrapper class for the COM interface ''STExample.ISTExample'' generated from type information in the '''' library. It contains methods to invoke the member functions exposed by that interface. The type library contains no documentation for this interface Warning: This comment was automatically generated from the interface''s type information, but any changes made here will not be overwritten if the wrapper class is regenerated. IDL definition follows: [ object, uuid(59DA5EAA-30C6-4C37-8D35-01CF37C26281), dual ] interface ISTExample : IDispatch { [id(0x60020000)] HRESULT __stdcall test( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result); [id(0x60020001)] HRESULT __stdcall test2( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut); }; '! !ISTExample categoriesForClass!COM-Interfaces!STExample-Interfaces! ! !ISTExample methodsFor! test: input "Answer the <SAFEARRAY> result of invoking the test() method of the COM object." | answer | answer := SAFEARRAY newPointer. self Test: input asSAFEARRAY result: answer. ^answer asObject ! Test: input result: result "Private - Invoke the test() method of the COM object. HRESULT __stdcall test( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result);" <virtual stdcall: hresult 8 SAFEARRAY* SAFEARRAY**> ^self invalidCall ! test2: inStrings "Answer the <SAFEARRAY> result of invoking the test2() method of the COM object." | answer | answer := SAFEARRAY newPointer. self Test2: inStrings asSAFEARRAY ppsaOut: answer. ^answer asObject ! Test2: inStrings ppsaOut: ppsaOut "Private - Invoke the test2() method of the COM object. HRESULT __stdcall test2( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut);" <virtual stdcall: hresult 9 SAFEARRAY** SAFEARRAY**> ^self invalidCall ! ! !ISTExample categoriesFor: #test:!**auto generated**!methods!public! ! !ISTExample categoriesFor: #Test:result:!**auto generated**!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!private! ! !ISTExample categoriesFor: #test2:!**auto generated**!methods!public! ! !ISTExample categoriesFor: #Test2:ppsaOut:!**auto generated**!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!private! ! ISTExample methodProtocol: #'STExample.ISTExample' attributes: #() selectors: #(#Test:result: #Test2:ppsaOut:)! !ISTExample class methodsFor! clsid "Private - Answer the CLSID of the coclass (Example) for which the receiver is the default interface." ^CLSID fromString: '{679EA2A8-860F-4C49-9761-E9540418865D}' ! defineFunctions "Declare the virtual function table for the COM interface 'STExample.ISTExample' ISTExample defineTemplate" self defineFunction: #Test:result: argumentTypes: 'SAFEARRAY* SAFEARRAY**'; defineFunction: #Test2:ppsaOut: argumentTypes: 'SAFEARRAY** SAFEARRAY**' ! initializeTypeLib "Private - Establish a connection to the receiver's type library. ISTExample initializeTypeLib" typeLib := STExampleLib! ! !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #clsid!**auto generated**!constants!private! ! !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #defineFunctions!**auto generated**!initializing!public! ! !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #initializeTypeLib!**auto generated**!initializing!private! ! "Binary Globals"! STExampleLib := Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromHexString: '2153544220312046091500010000004158547970654C696272617279416E616C797A6572000 000000602090049547970654C69623200000000000000000000000006010800544C494241545 45200000000720000002000000012A1E09CFB8579478D15F2EF197C5F0200000000010000000 100000008000000520000000000000041000000520000000900000053544578616D706C65BA0 0000000000000520000000C00000053544578616D706C654C696200020000EA0000000000000 0F00000006200000002000000520000000400000047554944BA0000000000000052000000040 000004755494400000000')! "Resources"! |
"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<b42730$1rmnbf$[hidden email]>...
> "Wolfgang Wunderlich" <[hidden email]> wrote in message > news:[hidden email]... > > Hello, > > > > I am trying to send a 2 dimensional SafeArray from a Visaul Basic COM > > Client to a Dolphin Smalltalk COM Server object and return a modified > > 2 dimensional SafeArray back. > > > > The MIDL is: > > .... > > HRESULT test([in] SAFEARRAY (BSTR) input, [out, retval] SAFEARRAY > > (BSTR)* result); > > }; > >... > > Hmmm, not sure you can actually call that from VB. I have a feeling that VB > can only pass SAFEARRAYs (i.e. its own arrays) by reference, so the input > parameter needs another level of indirection, even though it is in-only. > Either way, it doesn't really make a lot of difference to Dolphin. > > > ... > > Can anybody provide me with a small example of accessing the SafeArray > > elements and creating, filling and returning a SafeArray. > >... > > See the attached, which I hope will also be useful to anyone else struggling > with SAFEARRAYs. Handling multiple dimensions is left as an exercise for the > reader. > > Regards > > Blair > > ------------------------------------ > | package | > package := Package name: 'SafeArrayExample'. > package paxVersion: 0; > basicComment: 'Example of receiving and returning SAFEARRAY parameters'. > > package basicScriptAt: #postinstall put: 'STExample register; > registerClassFactory'. > package basicScriptAt: #preuninstall put: 'STExample revokeClassFactories'. > > package classNames > add: #ISTExample; > add: #STExample; > yourself. > > package globalNames > add: #STExampleLib; > yourself. > > package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new > add: #STExampleLib; > yourself). > > package globalAliases: (Set new > yourself). > > package allResourceNames: (Set new > yourself). > > package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new > add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\ActiveX\Automation\ActiveX Automation'; > add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\ActiveX\COM\OLE COM'; > yourself). > > package! > > "Class Definitions"! > > AXDualImp subclass: #STExample > instanceVariableNames: '' > classVariableNames: '' > poolDictionaries: '' > classInstanceVariableNames: ''! > IDispatch subclass: #ISTExample > instanceVariableNames: '' > classVariableNames: '' > poolDictionaries: '' > classInstanceVariableNames: ''! > > "Global Aliases"! > > > "Loose Methods"! > > "End of package definition"! > > "Source Globals"! > > "Classes"! > > STExample guid: (GUID fromString: '{DDEBF20A-84A9-458A-9707-84FD19CC2DFC}')! > STExample comment: ''! > !STExample categoriesForClass!COM-Implementations! ! > !STExample methodsFor! > > interfaceClass > ^ISTExample! > > Test: input result: result > "Note that the VM will already have wrapped the input argument as a > SAFEARRAY, > however I don't think VB can call this method as it can only pass arrays by > reference. > > HRESULT __stdcall test( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result);" > > | in answer | > answer := SAFEARRAY length: input size elementClass: BSTR. > input keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | answer at: i put: each asString > asUppercase]. > "We must ensure we don't leave the input array locked" > input unaccessData. > result value: answer detach. > ^S_OK! > > Test2: inStrings ppsaOut: ppsaOut > "Because inStrings is doubly-indirected, it will arrive as an LPVOID > object, and we > must manually wrap this up into a SAFEARRAY. > > HRESULT __stdcall test2( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut);" > > | in answer | > in := SAFEARRAY fromAddress: inStrings elementClass: BSTR owner: inStrings. > answer := SAFEARRAY length: in size elementClass: BSTR. > in keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | answer at: i put: each asString > capitalized]. > "We must ensure we don't leave the input array locked" > in unaccessData. > ppsaOut value: answer detach. > ^S_OK > ! ! > !STExample categoriesFor: #interfaceClass!accessing!public! ! > !STExample categoriesFor: #Test:result:!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!public! ! > !STExample categoriesFor: #Test2:ppsaOut:!COM Interfaces-ISTExample!public! > ! > > STExample methodProtocol: #'STExample.ISTExample' attributes: #() selectors: > #(#Test:result: #Test2:ppsaOut:)! > > !STExample class methodsFor! > > clsid > ^ISTExample clsid! > > example > | test inStrings result result2 offset strings | > test := ISTExample new. > strings := #('abc' 'def' 'ghi'). > inStrings := SAFEARRAY > length: strings size > elementClass: BSTR. > strings > keysAndValuesDo: > [:i :each | > inStrings > at: i > put: each asBSTR]. > result := test test: inStrings. > result2 := test test2: inStrings! > > progID > ^'SafeArrayExample.1'! ! > !STExample class categoriesFor: #clsid!constants!public! ! > !STExample class categoriesFor: #example!examples!public! ! > !STExample class categoriesFor: #progID!constants!public! ! > > ISTExample guid: (IID fromString: '{59DA5EAA-30C6-4C37-8D35-01CF37C26281}')! > ISTExample comment: '<ISTExample> is a wrapper class for the COM interface > ''STExample.ISTExample'' generated from type information in the '''' > library. It contains methods to invoke the member functions exposed by that > interface. > > The type library contains no documentation for this interface > > Warning: This comment was automatically generated from the interface''s type > information, but any changes made here will not be overwritten if the > wrapper class is regenerated. > > IDL definition follows: > > [ > object, > uuid(59DA5EAA-30C6-4C37-8D35-01CF37C26281), > dual > ] > interface ISTExample : IDispatch { > [id(0x60020000)] > HRESULT __stdcall test( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result); > [id(0x60020001)] > HRESULT __stdcall test2( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut); > }; > '! > !ISTExample categoriesForClass!COM-Interfaces!STExample-Interfaces! ! > !ISTExample methodsFor! > > test: input > "Answer the <SAFEARRAY> result of invoking the test() method of the COM > object." > > | answer | > answer := SAFEARRAY newPointer. > self > Test: input asSAFEARRAY > result: answer. > ^answer asObject > ! > > Test: input result: result > "Private - Invoke the test() method of the COM object. > > HRESULT __stdcall test( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) input, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* result);" > > <virtual stdcall: hresult 8 SAFEARRAY* SAFEARRAY**> > ^self invalidCall > ! > > test2: inStrings > "Answer the <SAFEARRAY> result of invoking the test2() method of the COM > object." > > | answer | > answer := SAFEARRAY newPointer. > self > Test2: inStrings asSAFEARRAY > ppsaOut: answer. > ^answer asObject > ! > > Test2: inStrings ppsaOut: ppsaOut > "Private - Invoke the test2() method of the COM object. > > HRESULT __stdcall test2( > [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* InStrings, > [out, retval] SAFEARRAY(BSTR)* ppsaOut);" > > <virtual stdcall: hresult 9 SAFEARRAY** SAFEARRAY**> > ^self invalidCall > ! ! > !ISTExample categoriesFor: #test:!**auto generated**!methods!public! ! > !ISTExample categoriesFor: #Test:result:!**auto generated**!COM > Interfaces-ISTExample!private! ! > !ISTExample categoriesFor: #test2:!**auto generated**!methods!public! ! > !ISTExample categoriesFor: #Test2:ppsaOut:!**auto generated**!COM > Interfaces-ISTExample!private! ! > > ISTExample methodProtocol: #'STExample.ISTExample' attributes: #() > selectors: #(#Test:result: #Test2:ppsaOut:)! > > !ISTExample class methodsFor! > > clsid > "Private - Answer the CLSID of the coclass (Example) for which the receiver > is the default interface." > > ^CLSID fromString: '{679EA2A8-860F-4C49-9761-E9540418865D}' > ! > > defineFunctions > "Declare the virtual function table for the COM interface > 'STExample.ISTExample' > ISTExample defineTemplate" > > self > defineFunction: #Test:result: > argumentTypes: 'SAFEARRAY* SAFEARRAY**'; > defineFunction: #Test2:ppsaOut: > argumentTypes: 'SAFEARRAY** SAFEARRAY**' > ! > > initializeTypeLib > "Private - Establish a connection to the receiver's type library. > ISTExample initializeTypeLib" > > typeLib := STExampleLib! ! > !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #clsid!**auto > generated**!constants!private! ! > !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #defineFunctions!**auto > generated**!initializing!public! ! > !ISTExample class categoriesFor: #initializeTypeLib!**auto > generated**!initializing!private! ! > > "Binary Globals"! > > STExampleLib := Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: > (ByteArray fromHexString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esources"! the test methode works fine from Visual Basic. I receive a SAFEARRAY with dimension of 2 and can read out lower and upper bound of the two dimensions. I can also access the values of the SAFEARRAY and put them into my wrapper class. I can also return a one dimensional SAFEARRAY and receive it in Visual Basic. But how can I set the dimension of a new SAFEARRAY in Dolphin Smalltalk ? Wolfgang Wunderlich |
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