How to word wrap a table cell?

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How to word wrap a table cell?

Is there a way to wrod wrap text being displayed inside a table cell?

Also, in a table, is there a way to set resizable property on a table row? so that user can resize the row height using mouse?

I want my table to display a word wrapped string inside it. And it'll be nice if user can resize the row height to adjust the viewable string.

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Re: How to word wrap a table cell?


what GUI framework / tool are you using?

In the composition editor, there's no way to achieve what you are asking for without hand-written code. The ABT layer is quite old and hasn't seen many updates over the last decade or so. Even such simple things as resizable rows are hard to do. There is, however, some add-on from Instantiations (WidgetKit Controls), that once added a few features to the ABT layer. It can be downloaded from the Instantiations website.

If you are using WindowBuilder (and therefor CommonWidgets), my answer is till valid, but it may be easier to add code to set the row height in response to some events.

So the short answer is: The GUI Framework(s) in VA ST are not capable to do what you ask for out of the box, but you can add the desired behaviour. 
I know that this is a sad answer.


Am Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012 13:12:53 UTC+2 schrieb Jaspreet Singh:
Is there a way to wrod wrap text being displayed inside a table cell?

Also, in a table, is there a way to set resizable property on a table row? so that user can resize the row height using mouse?

I want my table to display a word wrapped string inside it. And it'll be nice if user can resize the row height to adjust the viewable string.

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Re: How to word wrap a table cell?

I'm using windowbuilderpro.
As you've mentioned, there's no out-of-the-box solution for this.
Can Instantiations enhance UI widgets to provide modern UI functionality?

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