Yes, I am.
I can teach people how to write.
Look, this is the unique class with only one method of my AI system:
LinTirany >> analize: aString
| errors |
errors:= OrderedCollection new.
#('would' 'very' ) do:[:each | (aString substrings includes: each) ifTrue:[ errors add: 'Avoid ',each]].
aString substrings size > 40 ifTrue:[errors add: 'Avoid long sentences'].
Try it at and becomes an expert article writer.
Norberto Manzanos
Instituto de Investigaciones en
Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS)
Calle 48 e/
6 y 7 s/Nº - 8º piso - oficina 803
Tel: +54-221-4230125 interno