In my application (see an extract of the source code below), I have a
configuration view (dialog) to select the communication port to use. This view fails allways the first time it is used by my "main" shell. The error log is : 10:12:22, mercredi 24 mai 2006: 'Not found: COM1' ComboBox(Object)>>errorNotFound: [] in ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection:ifAbsent: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selectionOrNil: [] in ListPresenter(SelectableItemsPresenter)>>selectionOrNil: [] in NotFoundError(Exception)>>_evaluateHandler:in: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: NotFoundError(Exception)>>_evaluateHandler:in: NotFoundError(Exception)>>_propagateFrom: NotFoundError(Exception)>>_propagate NotFoundError(Exception)>>signal NotFoundError(Exception)>>signal:with: NotFoundError(Exception)>>signalWith: ComboBox(Object)>>errorNotFound: [] in ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection:ifAbsent: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selection: ComboBox(ListControlView)>>selectionOrNil: [] in ListPresenter(SelectableItemsPresenter)>>selectionOrNil: ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>on:do: ListPresenter(SelectableItemsPresenter)>>selectionOrNil: ConfigurationDialog>>onViewOpened ConfigurationDialog(Shell)>>view: ConfigurationDialog(Shell)>>createView: ConfigurationDialog class(Presenter class)>>create:on: ConfigurationDialog class(Presenter class)>>createOn: ConfigurationDialog class(Dialog class)>>showModalOn: RemoteMonitoringShell>>configure Symbol>>forwardTo: CommandDescription>>performAgainst: [] in Command>>value BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: Command>>value ShellView>>performCommand: RemoteMonitoringShell(Shell)>>performCommand: CommandQuery>>perform DelegatingCommandPolicy(CommandPolicy)>>route: [] in PushButton(View)>>onCommand: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: Cursor>>showWhile: PushButton(View)>>onCommand: ------->8------->8------->8------- 1) I have a model with the instance variable 'comPort'. This variable is initialized with the value 'COM1' : myModel>>initialize comPort := 'COM1'. ... 2) My model knows the valid serial ports names : myModel>>comPorts "Return the list of the supported communication ports." ^#('COM1' 'COM2' 'COM3' 'COM4' 'COM5' 'COM6' 'COM7' 'COM8') 3) I have a dialog view called from my main shell : myMainShell>>configure "Display the configuration menu" ConfigurationDialog showModalOn: self model 4) The dialog view is built with the following methods : ConfigurationDialog Class>>defaultModel "Answer a default model to be assigned to the receiver when it is initialized." ^myModel new ConfigurationDialog>>createComponents "Create the presenters contained by the receiver" super createComponents. portsList := self add: ListPresenter new name: 'portsList'. currentPort := self add: ValuePresenter new name: 'currentPort' ConfigurationDialog>>model: aModel super model: aModel. portsList model: (ListModel on: self model comPorts). currentPort model: (aModel aspectValue: #comPort) ConfigurationDialog>>onViewOpened "Received when the receiver's view has been connected. " super onViewOpened. portsList selectionOrNil: currentPort value ConfigurationDialog>>apply "Apply the changes cached in the receiver back to the model. " super apply. self model subject comPort: portsList selection ------->8------->8------->8------- Thanks, Joseph |
> comPort := 'COM1'. > ^#('COM1' 'COM2' 'COM3' 'COM4' 'COM5' 'COM6' 'COM7' 'COM8') > portsList model: (ListModel on: self model comPorts). One guess: ListModels use identity comparison by default. The value of comPort won't be included (by that criterion) in your list of standard ports, and so the combo-box will blow up if it attempts to use that as its #selection. If that is causing this problem then you should be able to fix it by using an equality search policy in your list model. E.g: portsList model: (ListModel on: self model comPorts searchPolicy: SearchPolicy equality). Alternatively, you could change the model initialisation to read: comPort := self class comPorts first. -- chris |
Chris Uppal wrote:
> If that > is causing this problem then you should be able to fix it by using an equality > search policy in your list model. E.g: > > portsList model: (ListModel > on: self model comPorts > searchPolicy: SearchPolicy equality). Chris, that solves the problem. Thank you very much, Joseph |
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