I can use some part time work

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I can use some part time work

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Smaltalkers,

I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post.  Business is slow and I will be 69 this month so a big push to find more work probably isn't worth it.  My resume is woefully out of date and one of my least favorite things to do.  Anyway, you probably know me from this forum.  I'm often involved in odd things and therefor ask a lot of out there questions.  I try to answer my fair share of questions and think I do a good job of that.

I've shared a few apps to VAST Goodies (just scroll down to my name).  Most if not all of my MZZip Extensions are now in the product.  I also worked on the LibUsb interface with Seth Berman and described our approach here.

So, if anyone has part (or all) of a project that they think I could do at home (I work at home all the time), then we should talk.  If the work is well enough defined, I am willing to do it for a fixed price.


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Re: I can use some part time work

Long Haired David

Just to say that, although I have no work for you Lou, I can attest to your quality and dedication based on the work we have done together over the years (my is it that long? - smile).

On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 5:15:28 PM UTC+1, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Smaltalkers,

I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post.  Business is slow and I will be 69 this month so a big push to find more work probably isn't worth it.  My resume is woefully out of date and one of my least favorite things to do.  Anyway, you probably know me from this forum.  I'm often involved in odd things and therefor ask a lot of out there questions.  I try to answer my fair share of questions and think I do a good job of that.

I've shared a few apps to <a href="http://vastgoodies.com/developers" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvastgoodies.com%2Fdevelopers\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEHoKYKjgawYC1YTTmRZfFRG_igOg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvastgoodies.com%2Fdevelopers\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEHoKYKjgawYC1YTTmRZfFRG_igOg&#39;;return true;">VAST Goodies (just scroll down to my name).  Most if not all of my MZZip Extensions are now in the product.  I also worked on the LibUsb interface with Seth Berman and described our approach here.

So, if anyone has part (or all) of a project that they think I could do at home (I work at home all the time), then we should talk.  If the work is well enough defined, I am willing to do it for a fixed price.


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Totally Objects
Doing Smalltalk since 1989
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Re: I can use some part time work

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated.


On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 4:48:09 PM UTC-4, Totally Objects wrote:

Just to say that, although I have no work for you Lou, I can attest to your quality and dedication based on the work we have done together over the years (my is it that long? - smile).

On Friday, April 7, 2017 at 5:15:28 PM UTC+1, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Smaltalkers,

I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post.  Business is slow and I will be 69 this month so a big push to find more work probably isn't worth it.  My resume is woefully out of date and one of my least favorite things to do.  Anyway, you probably know me from this forum.  I'm often involved in odd things and therefor ask a lot of out there questions.  I try to answer my fair share of questions and think I do a good job of that.

I've shared a few apps to <a href="http://vastgoodies.com/developers" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvastgoodies.com%2Fdevelopers\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEHoKYKjgawYC1YTTmRZfFRG_igOg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvastgoodies.com%2Fdevelopers\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEHoKYKjgawYC1YTTmRZfFRG_igOg&#39;;return true;">VAST Goodies (just scroll down to my name).  Most if not all of my MZZip Extensions are now in the product.  I also worked on the LibUsb interface with Seth Berman and described our approach here.

So, if anyone has part (or all) of a project that they think I could do at home (I work at home all the time), then we should talk.  If the work is well enough defined, I am willing to do it for a fixed price.


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