I give up!!! Aka too much broken in the 64 bit world

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I give up!!! Aka too much broken in the 64 bit world

Schwab,Wilhelm K
Hello all,

A couple of things that I really need to have working appear to be hopelessly broken on 64 bit linux, at least for now.  After a lot of struggling this weekend, I finally decided to revert to 32 bits to be able to get some work done.  I created a /home partition as part of the original installation, so it was not bad to do.  At this point, it boots and is currently downloading a couple hundred updates.

One interesting thing is that the remote desktop (tsclient) that I use to run LookOut!! on a box across town is working.  Could I have a mix of 32 and 64 bit software?  Maybe tsclient was 32 bit all along though; the file command might shed some light on that.

If any of you have done this retreat and have some war stories that might be of use, please let me know.


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