I give up...

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I give up...

Sean Malloy-2
I've been banging my head against this damned sqlite library. I couldn't get
the squeak version working in dolphin. Someone mentioned to use the callback
features of sqlite, because dolphin supports callbacks nicely.

So I get callback version working. But I get these exceptions occurring.

a GPFault('Invalid access to memory location. Reading 0x68, IP 0x673E691F
(C:\Documents and Settings\Sean\My Documents\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Sean

I've posted the code (Please note Sqlite Test.st is not unit tests, just a
simple couple of lines to show the error occurring)


My suspicion was that the callback block was being garbage collected, but
the output to the transcript is actually occurring, so the damn thing IS
being called. So I don't know what the hell is going on.

Anyone offer an explanation as to the cause of the exception?

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Re: I give up...

Chris Uppal-3
Sean Malloy wrote:

> So I get callback version working. But I get these exceptions occurring.
> a GPFault('Invalid access to memory location. Reading 0x68, IP 0x673E691F
> (C:\Documents and Settings\Sean\My Documents\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Sean
> Malloy\SQLITE.dll)')

I think it's because the sqlite library is using the 'cdecl' calling
convention, rather than 'stdcall' (not that they bother to /tell/ you that
anywhere, not even in the source -- it must be a flag to the compiler).  If you
change SqliteLibrary>>resultForQuery:on:do: to read:

resultForQuery: aString on: sqliteRef do: operation
 | descriptor callback error |
 descriptor := ExternalDescriptor fromString: 'cdecl: sdword void* dword char**
 callback := ExternalCallback
    block: [ :a1 :a2 :a3 :a4 | operation value: a2 value: a3 value: a4. 0]
    descriptor: descriptor.
 error := ExternalAddress new.
 self apiExec: sqliteRef sql: aString callback: callback asParameter with: nil
error: error.
 self checkError: error.

then you should be able to move on to the next stage of trying to make sense of
the LPVOIDs (which /always/ confuse me).

    -- chris

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Re: I give up...

Sean Malloy-2
> I think it's because the sqlite library is using the 'cdecl' calling
> convention, rather than 'stdcall' (not that they bother to /tell/ you that
> anywhere, not even in the source -- it must be a flag to the compiler).
If you
> change SqliteLibrary>>resultForQuery:on:do: to read:
> ===================
> resultForQuery: aString on: sqliteRef do: operation
>  | descriptor callback error |
>  descriptor := ExternalDescriptor fromString: 'cdecl: sdword void* dword
> char**'.
>  callback := ExternalCallback
>     block: [ :a1 :a2 :a3 :a4 | operation value: a2 value: a3 value: a4. 0]
>     descriptor: descriptor.
>  error := ExternalAddress new.
>  self apiExec: sqliteRef sql: aString callback: callback asParameter with:
> error: error.
>  self checkError: error.
> ===================
> then you should be able to move on to the next stage of trying to make
sense of
> the LPVOIDs (which /always/ confuse me).


I've just leveled up. Bonus round time!

Thanks. That was it!!

