IDE question/suggestion

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IDE question/suggestion

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

Is there an easy way to see the packages that depend on a given package
(opposite of prerequisites)?  I often end up asking to uninstall to see if
any package names pop up in the confirmation, and there _must_ be a better
way :)

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: IDE question/suggestion

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Bill,

> Is there an easy way to see the packages that
> depend on a given package (opposite of
> prerequisites)?  I often end up asking to uninstall
> to see if any package names pop up in the
> confirmation, and there _must_ be a better
> way :)

I agree this would be a handy addition in the Package Browser Prerequistes

I use an IDE Extension (in the Package Browser packageSelector) which does
the trick:

    | selected |
    selected := self packages first.
    (PackageManager current packages select: [:each | each prerequisites
includes: selected])

It doesnt search the full prerequiste chain, (a better name would be
#inspectDirectDependents) but usually the above method has the information I
am looking for.

Right below it, is another handy extension which works on a multiple
selection of packages, and shows only the root prerequisites of that
selection. I use this for quickly building "install" packages, using the
root packages as manual prerequisites:

    | roots |
    roots := self packages copy asOrderedCollection.
    self packages do: [:each | roots := roots difference: each
    roots inspect

Neither is particularly fast, but they do the trick when needed.


Steve Waring
[hidden email]