Hi Glenn,
Welcome aboard and thanks for encouraging words!
Glenn Swanlund wrote:
> Is there a way to create gif methods in Dolphin? I see a comment in
> methods like "'imgs/fast/fast-archives.gif' asFilename contentsAsMethod"
> which appears to be from VW. Your help would be appreciated.
I don't have Dolphin on hand right now but here is a String (not
Filename) method from my VW image and I think it can be helpful:
"return a body of method with a literal array with contents
of that string"
| input output |
input := self readStream.
output := WriteStream with: String new.
output nextPutAll: '^#['.
[input atEnd] whileFalse:
[output nextPutAll: input next asInteger asString; nextPut: $ ].
output nextPutAll: ']'.
^output contents
" 'visual.cha' contentsAsMethod "
> BTW, Aida/Web is looking very good. I see it is LGPL?d so adding
> subclasses to the provided classes does not require those subclasses to
> be LGPL?d as well, is this correct?
Exactly. Subclassing is kind of using a C library, IMHO, so LGPL is
valid for subclassing too.
Best regards
Janko Miv?ek
Smalltalk Web Application Server