IRC Aid bot in #pharo-project

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IRC Aid bot in #pharo-project

Perhaps it's not a bad idea to have an IRC bot in the channel so that when people are offline / inactive on the channel, visitors can get help.

Another advantage is for us all not having to remember everything into detail.

<me>"Hi, how do you install SandstoneDB?"
*tumbleweed, <me> takes out a sandwhich*
<hero>"Gofer it squeaksource: 'SandstoneDB'; package: 'SandstoneDB'; should work"
*doesn't work, googles, finds that it should be SandstoneDb*

Shorter version:
<me>"~install sandstonedb"
<bot>"Gofer it squeaksource: 'SandstoneDb'; package: 'SandstoneDb';"

Many other channels have bots, I know smalltalk is more self-explanatory than most languages (by browsing through the classes) but an irc bot can be an advantage for information not in your smalltalk image yet! It will probably help to make the irc channel more popular as well.