I've published to the inbox several major refactoring s to NewTextMorph and CodeMorph. Added a bunch of tests too.
The basic idea behind CodeMorph is that an instance of codeMorph holds a target and displays a certain aspect of it.
For example the first example displays the method source and the second, only the selectorWithArguments, of the same method.
morph := CodeMorph new.
morph target: ( CodeMorph >> #styler: ).
morph beCode.
self assert: morph text asString = 'styler: aStyler
styler := aStyler ' .
morph beSelectorWithArguments.
self assert: morph text asString = 'styler: aStyler'.
Lukas, i think now we would be able to easily provide a single line editor for OB, when performing renaming or other selector/arguments or class name refactorings. If you are interested let me now and we can code them together. ( take a look at NewTextMorphTest>>testSelectorWithArguments ).
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