IWST20 Event 18th and 19th of November, registrations open

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IWST20 Event 18th and 19th of November, registrations open

Vincent Aranega
Hi all,

Finally we are happy to annouce that the IWST event will be held
Wednesday 18th of November and 19th of November, starting at 4pm, Paris
hour. We tried to respect as much as possible everyone's contraints
exposed by the different polls. Thank to all of you for your help!

The event will be virtual (as you can understand), you can find the
registeration link here:


Registration are free.

Thanks again for your help, we really hope to see all at for this first
Virtual IWST.

Vincent Aranega
Loïc Lagadec

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Re: IWST20 Event 18th and 19th of November, registrations open

Craig Latta

Hi Vincent--

      What is the duration of each day's session?




      On 13 November 2020 at 05:39 pacific time, Vincent Aranega wrote:

 > Hi all,
 > Finally we are happy to annouce that the IWST event will be held
 > Wednesday 18th of November and 19th of November, starting at 4pm, Paris
 > hour. We tried to respect as much as possible everyone's contraints
 > exposed by the different polls. Thank to all of you for your help!
 > The event will be virtual (as you can understand), you can find the
 > registeration link here:
 > https://esug.github.io/2020-Conference/cfpIWST2020.html
 > Registration are free.
 > Thanks again for your help, we really hope to see all at for this first
 > Virtual IWST.
 > Vincent Aranega
 > Loïc Lagadec
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Craig Latta :: research computer scientist
Black Page Digital :: Berkeley, California
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