Ian Goodies 5k, No Documentation folder installed

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Ian Goodies 5k, No Documentation folder installed

Janos Kazsoki

I installed your goodies in 5.1.4 by goodies5k.exe, and all class
comments tell: "See [DolphinImageFolder]/Ian Bartholomew/Documentation
for details", but unfortunately the  Documentation folder does not

The tools run fine, and all Helps gets a "The specified file not found"
(trying to open the index.htm in ...\Documentation)

Can you, or somebody help on this?

Or I may try the older versions perhaps they include the DOcumentation

Many thanks in advance,

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Re: Ian Goodies 5k, No Documentation folder installed

Ian Bartholomew-19

> I installed your goodies in 5.1.4 by goodies5k.exe, and all class
> comments tell: "See [DolphinImageFolder]/Ian Bartholomew/Documentation
> for details", but unfortunately the  Documentation folder does not
> exist.

The good news is that the documentation is coming real soon now.

The bad news is that it's been in that situation for the last two years or
so, and is no closer now than it was at the start.  I _hate_ writing
documentation :-(

Sorry (for both the lack of documentation and the (very slight) humour in
the reply).

If you look at the webs pages for the Dolphin 2/3/4 goodies then you will
find some links to documentation that, for the most part, should still
apply.  If you, or anyone else, do have any questions though then feel free
to mail me and ask.  I'll always try to help if I can.


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Re: Ian Goodies 5k, No Documentation folder installed

Janos Kazsoki

you wrote: "... writing documentation :-(".

As I see, generations of new born and small Dolphiners (like me) have
grown and will grew up on your ...build tutorial documentations!

They give hope if you are lost in the wild MVP jungle...
Thanks for them,