After cloning a repo with Iceberg, loading the code and before doing any
change, iceberg sees a lot of additions to the code in the "Synchronize
Repository" window.
Here are the steps I followed:
- Load fresh Pharo7 image
- Delete the previous clone of my repo in
/home/dupriez/Pharo/vms/70-x86/pharo-local/iceberg (to start afresh)
- Open Iceberg:
- Click on "Clone Repository", to clone
[hidden email]:dupriezt/Calypso.git
- Right-click on the repo in the list, Metacello/install baseline
of Calypso (default)
- Switch to dev branch, creating a local dev branch in the process
as prompted
- Without making any change, if I right-click on the Calypso repo
in the list and click 'Synchronize Repository', there is a significant
list of additions ready to be commited.
Can someone shed some light on this? How can I get the code of the dev
branch of this repo as is in my image?
Thomas Dupriez