Hi, I am trying to build a project in ubuntu 16.04.3. To this: - I downloaded Pharo 6.1 (60541) 64bit - I open the Pharo image and execute:
I have the following issue: LGit_GIT_ERROR: SSL error: error:140E0197:SSL routines:SSL_shutdown:shutdown while in init The full stack is below. I can clone the repository from a terminal using: git clone [hidden email]:feenkcom/gtoolkit.git I believe that my settings are correct (same that I use on macOS): Is Iceberg suppose to work on Ubuntu 16.04.3 64bit? I have noticed that it works in Pharo 7 64bit (excluding the fact gtoolkit does not work in Pharo 7 yet). I found this bug report that might be related: https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/issues/4644 Thanks! Juraj Full stack: LGitReturnCodeEnum>>handleLGitReturnCode LGitRepository(LGitExternalObject)>>withReturnHandlerDo: LGitRepository>>clone:options:to: LGitRepository>>clone:options: [ repo clone: url options: cloneOptions ] in [ | repo cloneOptions | repo := LGitRepository on: self location. cloneOptions := LGitCloneOptions withCredentialsProvider: IceCredentialsProvider default. cloneOptions checkoutOptions checkoutStrategy: LGitCheckoutStrategyEnum git_checkout_none. [ repo clone: url options: cloneOptions ] on: LGit_GIT_ERROR do: [ :e | e acceptError: IceLibgitErrorVisitor new ]. repo checkout: (aBranchName ifNil: [ self branch ifNotNil: [ :b | b name ] ifNil: [ 'master' ] ]). (LGitRemote of: repo named: 'origin') lookup; setUrl: url ] in IceLibgitLocalRepository>>cloneRepositoryFrom:branch: in Block: [ repo clone: url options: cloneOptions ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ | repo cloneOptions | repo := LGitRepository on: self location. cloneOptions := LGitCloneOptions withCredentialsProvider: IceCredentialsProvider default. cloneOptions checkoutOptions checkoutStrategy: LGitCheckoutStrategyEnum git_checkout_none. [ repo clone: url options: cloneOptions ] on: LGit_GIT_ERROR do: [ :e | e acceptError: IceLibgitErrorVisitor new ]. repo checkout: (aBranchName ifNil: [ self branch ifNotNil: [ :b | b name ] ifNil: [ 'master' ] ]). (LGitRemote of: repo named: 'origin') lookup; setUrl: url ] in IceLibgitLocalRepository>>cloneRepositoryFrom:branch: in Block: [ | repo cloneOptions |... [ self checkInitialized. aBlock value ] in LGitGlobal class>>runSequence: in Block: [ self checkInitialized.... [ activeProcess psValueAt: index put: anObject. aBlock value ] in LGitActionSequence(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: in Block: [ activeProcess psValueAt: index put: anObject.... BlockClosure>>ensure: LGitActionSequence(DynamicVariable)>>value:during: LGitActionSequence class(DynamicVariable class)>>value:during: LGitGlobal class>>runSequence: IceLibgitLocalRepository>>cloneRepositoryFrom:branch: IceRepositoryCreator>>createRepository [ (IceRepositoryCreator new url: urlToUse; subdirectory: repoPath; branchName: self projectVersion; createRepository) register ] in [ | urlToUse | urlToUse := remote url. [ (IceRepositoryCreator new url: urlToUse; subdirectory: repoPath; branchName: self projectVersion; createRepository) register ] on: IceAuthenticationError do: [ :e | self crLog: ('I got an error while cloning: {1}. I will try to clone the HTTPS variant.' format: {e messageText}). urlToUse := remote httpsUrl. e retry ] ] in MCGitHubRepository(MCGitBasedNetworkRepository)>>getOrCreateIcebergRepository in Block: [ (IceRepositoryCreator new... BlockClosure>>on:do: [ | urlToUse | urlToUse := remote url. [ (IceRepositoryCreator new url: urlToUse; subdirectory: repoPath; branchName: self projectVersion; createRepository) register ] on: IceAuthenticationError do: [ :e | self crLog: ('I got an error while cloning: {1}. I will try to clone the HTTPS variant.' format: {e messageText}). urlToUse := remote httpsUrl. e retry ] ] in MCGitHubRepository(MCGitBasedNetworkRepository)>>getOrCreateIcebergRepository in Block: [ | urlToUse |... OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone: OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifNone: MCGitHubRepository(MCGitBasedNetworkRepository)>>getOrCreateIcebergRepository IceGithubRepositoryType>>mcRepository Iceberg class>>mcRepositoryFor: IceMetacelloPharoPlatform>>createRepository: MetacelloMCBaselineProject(MetacelloMCProject)>>createRepository: MetacelloRepositorySpec>>createRepository [ aSpec createRepository ] in [ :aSpec | | description repo | description := aSpec description. (repo := repositories detect: [ :rep | rep description = description ] ifNone: [ aSpec createRepository ]) ~~ nil ifTrue: [ repos add: repo ] ] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>repositoriesFrom:ignoreOverrides: in Block: [ aSpec createRepository ] Array(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone: Array(Collection)>>detect:ifNone: [ :aSpec | | description repo | description := aSpec description. (repo := repositories detect: [ :rep | rep description = description ] ifNone: [ aSpec createRepository ]) ~~ nil ifTrue: [ repos add: repo ] ] in MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>repositoriesFrom:ignoreOverrides: in Block: [ :aSpec | ... |
Hi Juraj, The version of Iceberg in Pharo 6.1 is just a preview and we have decided so far that we will not update it so far to avoid disrupting people using Pharo6.1 for business. Also, iceberg development has moved forward a lot on Pharo7, I don't think that a "simple fix" could be just backported. Maybe you can try instead to upgrade your pharo6.1 image with latest iceberg? Try using the script in iceberg's readme. On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 2:58 AM Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 20.24.31.png (246K) Download Attachment Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 20.24.31.png (246K) Download Attachment |
Hi Guillermo,
Thank you for the explanation. I have noticed that if I use https://get.pharo.org/64/vm61 instead of 64/vmI61 (__I__ letter) it works. The same happens for Pharo 7.0. Cheers, Juraj
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