Iceberg - viewing uncommitted changes

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Iceberg - viewing uncommitted changes

Ben Coman
When the Iceberg [Packages] tab shows "Uncommitted changes",
how do you view what those changes are?

For example...
$ curl | bash 
$ ./pharo-ui
* Open System > Settings > Include system repositories by default = enabled
* Open Tools > Iceberg > "pharo"
* Click <Clone> button > enter "[hidden email]:pharo-project/pharo.git"
* Close and reopen Iceberg so the four tabs show
* Select [Packages] tab and sort by "Name" so dirty packages are at top
(btw, GT-Spotter and Reflectivity packages are dirty, but ignore that for now)
* Open System Browser, randomly select AST-Core > NumberParser > allowPlusSign
* Change the comment, save, enter author details.
* Not sure how to refresh [Packages] tab, so close and reopen Iceberg and select [Packages] tab, sorted by "Name" 
==> "AST_Core" shows "Uncomitted changes"
So from here, how can I view what the uncommitted changes of that package are?
I partly expect it in the context menu of AST_Core package.

cheers -ben

P.S. Currently, when I open Iceberg I'm habitually first selecting the [Packages] and [Branches] tabs.  If I first select [Remotes] & "origin" followed by...
* [Packages] ==> Instance of IceScpRemote did not understand #entity
* [Branches] ==> Instance of IceScpRemote did not understand #isBranchModel
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Re: Iceberg - viewing uncommitted changes

Hi Ben,

On Tue, Oct 03, 2017 at 09:36:59PM +0800, Ben Coman wrote:

> When the Iceberg [Packages] tab shows "Uncommitted changes",
> how do you view what those changes are?
> For example...
> $ curl | bash
> $ ./pharo-ui
> * Open System > Settings > Include system repositories by default = enabled
> * Open Tools > Iceberg > "pharo"
> * Click <Clone> button > enter "[hidden email]:pharo-project/pharo.git"
> * Close and reopen Iceberg so the four tabs show
> * Select [Packages] tab and sort by "Name" so dirty packages are at top
> (btw, GT-Spotter and Reflectivity packages are dirty, but ignore that for now)
> * Open System Browser, randomly select AST-Core > NumberParser > allowPlusSign
> * Change the comment, save, enter author details.
> * Not sure how to refresh [Packages] tab, so close and reopen Iceberg and
> select [Packages] tab, sorted by "Name"
> ==> "AST_Core" shows "Uncomitted changes"
> So from here, how can I view what the uncommitted changes of that package are?
> I partly expect it in the context menu of AST_Core package.
> cheers -ben

I'm way behind on my list reading, so you've probably already figured
this out, but just in case, or maybe someone has a better answer...

If you right click on the repository and select "Synchronize
repository.." (Ctrl-S) you'll get a dialog displaying all the changes
displayed as a tree, with the package at the top level.


> P.S. Currently, when I open Iceberg I'm habitually first selecting the
> [Packages] and [Branches] tabs.  If I first select [Remotes] & "origin"
> followed by...
> * [Packages] ==> Instance of IceScpRemote did not understand #entity
> * [Branches] ==> Instance of IceScpRemote did not understand #isBranchModel