Blair McGlashan wrote:
> "Udo Schneider" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
>>Could you add Tab Closing via Ctrl+W and Type cynling via Ctrl+TAB by
>>default as well, please?
> Unfortunately not, prior usage. See Help/Key Bindings in a browser, and
> TextEdit>>preTranslateKeyboardInput:. I wish we'd never done the latter, but
> its been there since the very early releases.
I hacked a "solution" for the beta but this didn't work in the official
release and I never got the time to investigate why not.
I think Tab Cycling isn't that importan (you can use Alt+Left/Right
anyway). But a shortcut to close the current Tab (what about Ctrl+F4?)
by keystroke ... I didn't find this yet in the base image.