Ideas wanted: "Patterns to sustain feedback loops"

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Ideas wanted: "Patterns to sustain feedback loops"

Marcus Denker-4

I want to do a third talk at ESUG as the “part 3” of the feedback loop series..
The first parts where:

        1. Nomads do not build Cathedrals:
        2. Perfection and Feedback Loops: Why worse is better.

The idea for part 3 is to do something along the lines of “patterns to enable feedback loops”, a more practical view
on what one should be doing (or not be doing) to enable and sustain a project as a feedback loop.

- both things we do and those we should
- things that we do wrong / anti patterns
- technical as well as social (community…)
- examples you have seen in the real world

The idea is not to follow a formal patterns language, it will be informal… so if you have any ideas, please send
a private mail to me.
