If you haven't yet upgraded to Dolphin 4.0...

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If you haven't yet upgraded to Dolphin 4.0...

Andy Bower

Just a reminder to those of you who haven't yet moved up to Dolphin 4.0 that
the upgrade prices will be increased on Monday 8th January by around 10%. If
you are planning to upgrade but haven't got around to it yet, now might be
the time to shake off last year's sloth and embrace 2001 with a new dynamism
(and a brand new copy of Dolphin Smalltalk).

To our existing customers, I'd like to say a big thank you for making 2000
our most successful year so far (sales were up by 40% over those in 1999)
and I'd like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Object Arts Ltd.

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Re: If you haven't yet upgraded to Dolphin 4.0...

Joey Gibson
In article <93509i$8k93e$[hidden email]> on Fri, 5 Jan 2001
17:31:26 -0000, [hidden email] said:

||| To our existing customers, I'd like to say a big thank you for making 2000
||| our most successful year so far (sales were up by 40% over those in 1999)
||| and I'd like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.

   I'm really happy to hear that! I love Dolphin ST and have learned
sooo much about ST in general since I first bought 3.0 in February. You
guys have released a great product and provide excellent support.

   I'm also really glad to see a small company succeeding. The fact that
your sales increased that much is a good sign. I work for a small
company that is cratering as we speak, so seeing another company that I
care about make it, mitigates it somewhat. I hope that increase rate
only increases for you!

-- Sun Certified Java2 Programmer
-- Political Rants: www.joeygibson.com
-- My Pocket Smalltalk Stuff: www.joeygibson.com/st
-- "Do you know what I am doing, Miss Kenton? I am placing my
--  mind elsewhere while you chatter away."

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